Chapter Twenty-five

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TW- Blood, gore and a really long chapter (2091 words long T-T)

I was stunned at what he'd said. Loved me? But he's my best friend. 

"I-I-" I stuttered after being caught off guard. 

"You don't have to say anything. I know you love Yoongi a lot," he started, "I just wanted to tell you in case something happens to me. I'd hate to die and you not know how I felt." 

I wish I could comfort him and tell him that nothing will happen to him, but I can't promise that in this lifetime. 

"I'm sorry," I said a single tear rolled down my cheek. I felt really bad for having to reject him, "but you're my best friend." 

"You're mine too, I hope things don't become awkward between us though. I just needed to get that off my chest." 

I smiled slightly but it was soon taken over by a frown when I heard the guard telling Hobi he had to leave now. 


"Hug," I confirm before reaching out as far as I can and attempting to envelope him in a hug before he leaves with the boys. 

I decided on sitting down in front of the bars and look out at the cell opposite where the blonde boy was housed. We were the only prisoners left, the rest had died in the games. 

The blonde boy was sat comfortably in the corner, he looked much more settled than he had previously. 

"Thank you," I said, breaking the silence between us. 

Slowly, he started to look up at me. 

"For what?" He questions, blatantly confused. 

"Uh our conversation last night, you said some things that didn't make sense to me at the time but they saved my life in the games." 

"Oh, your welcome I guess?" He replied shyly, but it came out as more of a question. 

"I never introduced myself properly, I'm Seo Y/n."

"Park Jimin," he states before leaning his head against the wall in the corner of the room, "I'm going to get some shut-eye, it's night y'know."


Some time had passed and now I was stood at the window looking at the small economy that people had built. It looked so beautiful yesterday but things can change overnight apparently. The once friendly, sleeping people seemed like monsters to me and the food that was stored off to the side made my stomach churn at thoughts of what could be mixed in with the meals. 

The stars in the sky shines brightly and they looked so graceful up there, watching down on this earth, a bright moon outshining them all peered down onto the small city and it made me wonder how many people were looking at this moon at the same time as I was. Is the zombie-like virus quarantined into South Korea or is it worldwide? 

A woman's scream filled the air and I quickly ran across my cell with the rattles of the chains around my ankles scraping across the floor. Jimin was alert now, moving forwards to peek through the bars too. 

May screams and footsteps followed but we couldn't see anything. In the direction of screams there was a normally sized metal door with a glass window about two thirds of the way up. My whole body jolted when a body was slammed against the door and blood was left as a residue on the glass pane. 

"What's going on?" Jimin muttered from beside me. 

More footsteps came but this time from the left and screeches followed it. I sucked in a deep breath as I slowly turned around only to see many walkers all tripping over each other and sprinting in the direction of mine and Jimin's cell. 

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