How to Publish on Amazon (with pictures)

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So, you've written a book, and you'd like to try and sell your story. Self-publishing is a time-consuming, but viable option if you don't want to go through the querying and revision processes with traditional publishers.

There are many different sites, but let's say you decided to go with Amazon (, but then comes the questions: Where do you start? What do you do?

I'm hoping this chapter will help explain a lot of what initially confused me. 

(Printscreens are at the bottom to show what each step on the Amazon upload screen looks like)

For further research, please check out the KDP formatting guides, which are very helpful ( There are various articles on Google, and a large number of books on this site by published authors with additional tips.

So, how do you go about publishing on Amazon? (text description on top, then printscreens near the bottom for visual learners like myself.)

1. Edit your manuscript (Story):
Even if you think your story is edited, edit it again. Even have a friend or two read it, or check the Wattpad comments on your book for any points of confusion.

I advise using the free version of Grammarly or ProWritingAid to double-check your spelling and grammar (not all their suggestions are accurate, but it helps flag things to double-check.)

Also check things like chapter lengths, two spaces where there should only be one, etc. Even print it for the last round of editing (change the margins so it lines up differently - which catches some issues).

Add the front-matter between the cover and story (title page, copyright page, dedications, etc) and a back page if you like.

2. Format your manuscript: 
How you format it will vary between ebook and print. You can either do it yourself or hire it out to a formatter. (If you hire it out, tell them if it's for ebook or print, as well as which size you prefer)

If you believe you'll self-publish a lot in the future, it might be worthwhile investing in a formatting software like Atticus (PC users) or Vellum (Mac users). These make formatting super easy and possible within 15-20 minutes. (Watch for sales! Black Friday and late January often see big discounts)

If you're on a budget and wish to format it yourself with a free software, I recommend using Kindle formatting tool or their pre-formatted word templates:

Pre-formatted word templates (paperback): (Note all the formatting steps are also on this page for you - headers, page numbers, etc. I advise printing it out and checking off the steps as you do them)

Kindle Create:

Kindle Previewer: Note: the create and Previewer are for formatting and viewing - not editing. If you try editing in these, ensure they upload correctly.

3. If you want, get an ISBN number.

Amazon will provide one free of charge if you plan to leave your story on Amazon. In many countries, you can buy packs of them. Some countries, like Canada, offer them for free (you have to send in a copy of the book after for their archives though).

If you provide your own ISBN (how to obtain them varies by country), use the 13 digit one both in the form and in your manuscript - if you have the 10 digit one on the copyright page - remove it. It creates a verification error when Amazon checks your story before publishing.

Tips For Writing On WattpadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ