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august 21st, 2020
5:13 pm


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At this point, it was ridiculous.

Driver's License by Olivia Rodrigo was blasting in Sunday's AirPods as she sat at her easel in her dorm room.

The second chorus started to course through her eardrums as Sunday touched her round paintbrush to the canvas.

The crescent moon she had painted was the main focal point, the tears coming off of the one visible brown eye flowing below into the river.

Sunday's vision blurred and she had to put down the paintbrush to wipe her eyes with her sleeve.

A tap on her shoulder caused Sunday to jump from the desk chair she had placed in the middle of the room, "Oh, shit."

Sunday took one AirPod out so that her music would pause, then turned around to spot Maya and a light skin black girl with long twists dressed like they were going to a party.

"Are you okay?" Maya asked in a concerned tone as her friend joined the two in the middle of the room.

"Just a breakup." Sunday wiped her eyes again then readjusted her glasses.

Maya nodded then her eyes drifted to the detailed painting, "Did you do that? That's really good."

"Yeah, thank you. I just... Needed to get some shit off my chest." Sunday shrugged.

"Uh, this is Danielle, she lives down the hall. We were just coming back so I could grab my wallet," Maya looked back at Danielle who nodded, "We were about to go to this dj off in the student center. You wanna come? It might get your mind off things a little faster."

Sunday contemplated it for a couple of seconds, "You know what? Yeah. Let me see how much paint I can get off of my hands real quick."

Twenty minutes later in a new outfit and some makeup, Sunday was walking with Maya and Danielle to the student center.

"I was talking to this junior in my class and she says that this is the event to go to." Maya grinned as she opened the glass door.

"Woah." Sunday stopped in her tracks at the crowd.

The bottom level of the student center was almost completely swarmed by students, so much so that Sunday could barely see the floor.

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