Chapter 21

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It's been a month since I got out of the hospital and oh my god I'm over this house arrest bullshit, I need out. The only time I get out is when I get to sit on the roof at midnight while everyone is asleep. Tyler hasn't been here like he said he would and Marcy got all my work for the rest of the year. She still wants me to finish school so I can one day go to college. Also she has decided to pursue in adopting me

"Have you finished your homework?" Ashely asked just walking into my room without knocking, also I'm not allowed to have a lock on my door

"I finished like an hour ago" I mutter under my breath. it's weird to hear my voice to be completely honest

"What was that?" She asked stepping closer to my bed

"I said yes" I roll my eyes at her in irritation

"Good let's go" she started walking out of my room

"Wait" I call after her "Where are we going?"

"Tyler's house"

"Really?" I asked following her down the stairs

"Yep. He won't shut up about seeing you and mom refuses to let him come over until she deems you healthy enough mentally"

"Where is your mom? She'd be pissed wouldn't she?" I say as we make it out to her car

"She was called away to a neighboring city so she'll be gone for the next two days. We have the house to ourselves and the freedom to do whatever, well with in reason of course" she told me while we headed down the road

"Oh" is all I say as I look down at my sleeve covered wrists

The scars were very intense under the sleeves and were very ugly, I guess this is a reminder. I will forever be haunted by my decision just like my past haunts me. The nightmares have been so intense lately it's crazy, sometimes I wake up screaming making Marcy and Ashley come running in. They hug me as I cry, but it doesn't help at all. Marcy wants me to see a therapist, but I refuse.

"Here we are" I hear pulling me from my thoughts. I look up to see a nice big house

"He lives here?" I asked getting out "By himself?"

"Not by himself. He lives here with Mason and Nash. Plus his father" she says walking into the front door like she owned the place "Hey ass cracks, we're here!" She yelled up the long stairs

"You couldn't have called them something else?" I laugh shaking my head and she looks at me like I've grown two heads "What?"

"You laughed. You haven't done that since- since-" she looks down at the floor

"Since I tried to kill myself? Yeah I know" I shrug off as footsteps coming running down the stairs and I'm suddenly picked up into strong arms making me squeal

"Hey Grace" I turn my head slightly to see Tyler grinning at me

"Hey Ty" I whisper with my own small smile

"God, if I'd known you were gonna make her smile all this time I would have snuck her over a long time ago" Ashley slapped a hand over her face making everyone chuckle

"I'm glade your here" he whispered into my ear only for me to hear

"So am I" I whisper back until Mason started yelling making us cringe

"Who's up for Mario cart?" I look at him funny

"Who's Mario and why does he have a cart?" I question staring at Tyler and Mason gasps

"Girl have you been living under a rock?" I look down pulling on my sleeves, I could feel Tyler's arms tighten around my waist

"Dude" he hissed, as realization crossed his face

"I-I'm sorr-y" he stuttered

"It's ok" I say softly

"Come on!" He suddenly yelled again "I'll show you" and he took off into another room with the others following behind him except Tyler and I

"Is he always that loud?" I ask uncovering my ears

"You get used to it" he chuckled

"Are you slow pokes coming?" Mason yelled from the other room making me giggle

"I like it when you smile" Tyler whispered before pulling me along with him into the living room. Blood rushed to my cheeks. I took a seat next to Ashley and Mesa

"Are you blushing?" They laughed while whispering as the boys fixed up whatever Mario cart was

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Ok so finally I got all the chapters that I promised up, I really hope y'all like them. Anyways I'm working on chapter 20 that might go up tonight, I'm not sure yet. So stay tuned

The first two chapters of my new book are up. The book is called 'Dancing With The Devil' go check it out


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- How'd you like the little wholesome bit between Tyler and Gracie?

3- Want more wholesomeness?


Republished date- June 26, 2021

~ TheDevil

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