chapter 3

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friday 2pm

school just ended
bailey was walking through the halls packed with depressed drug addict teenagers who are basically the definition of physco.

she was trying to find nate
she spotted him
he looked up and looked into her eyes all the way across the hallway

she tried not to looked directly into his eyes for long amounts of time. his eyes were broken and sad.

she smiled and walked up to him


he threw his arm over her shoulders and they walked out of the school

they got in his truck where they already had bags full of a weeks worth of clothes in there waiting for them to drive to a random hotel that they were going to waist 7 days at pretending they didn't hate their lives.

bailey sighed and turned to nate

"you know i really appreciate you taking me with you and not leaving me alone"

"thankyou for coming with me and not
making me go alone"

she smiled avoiding eye contact
she tilted her head back
they drove for 3 hours
till nate pulled up to a gorgeous hotel
bailey was half asleep
he tapped her head
"we're here kid"
she opened her eyes smiled at the sight of this hotel
curious where he got the money for it but she wasn't going to ask.

she got out of his truck
she went to help him with their bags but just like always,he got it. anything for bailey.

let's be real. nate was going to do anything for her. and no,don't think it's because they're secretly in love with eachother and don't want to say anything in fear of being rejected. its just,at the end of the day they're each other's only. if she was ever hurt,nate would be the only one that cared enough to help. everyone would try to but nate would be the only one who knew how. and as far as nate goes,if anything ever happened to him,bailey would do everything she could to make it better. she was the only one who knew how to talk him out of doing stupid things. she was the only one who truly understood him. and he was the only one who truly understood her. and i mean yeah,nate has his douche bag football friends who "care" for him but bailey is the only one who would risk it all for nate. and yeah bailey had "friends" not really. i mean she was popular. but no one actually gave two shits about her. her mom did. but she's always working and doesn't have time to show her care to bailey. but nate would stop at nothing to make sure bailey was safe. he always did everything he could for that girl. everyone knew it. no one questioned it either. everyone in school had their opinions on nate,mostly bad ones. i mean he does have a reputation of being an abusive psychopath that just so happens to be extremely hot,but everyone knew the one thing or person i should say,that they should never mess with or hurt,was bailey. not because she would hurt you or anything. she was a 4'11, 100 pound 15 year old with a sweet smile, but nate has swore since everyone can remember,if anyone fucks with her he will kill them. and he meant if every time he said it too. something just clicked with them. they understood eachother,even in their vulnerable moments. and yeah they both live in big houses and have a significant amount of money and they both are very good looking,but their lives are still depressing. so to be able to have eachother is a blessing. they know it too. kind of the only thing they both can say they're grateful for. yeah nate was a dick. bailey knew that. but it wasn't going to change the love they had for eachother.

she slammed the door shut,looked at nate,they sweetly but quickly smiled at eachother,and walked inside.

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