[Chapter 21]

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Chapter 21

Parker’s POV

It felt as though my whole world was shaking as I was slowly pulled out of my dream. “Parker,” I heard, confused for a moment until I remembered I had fallen asleep at Jillian’s. Opening my eyes, the fact that darkness still covered the room made me wonder why I was being awoken. “Is that your phone?”

“Hmm…” I trailed, her words not processing in my half-asleep brain until a ringing registered in my ears. “Oh, yea.”

Sluggishly pushing the covers off my body, I scrambled towards my jeans that I had left on the floor hours ago, grabbing my cell phone out of my pocket before quickly silencing the ringing. “Hello?” I asked groggily, yawning as I waited for the person at the other end to respond.

“Parker?” I heard my aunt’s voice say quietly through the phone, “Where are you right now?”

Confused by the ounce of worry in her voice, I crinkled my eyebrows as I wiped the sleep for my eyes. “I’m at Jill’s house,” I replied slowly, “I texted you last night telling you that.”

“Well is there any way you could get home?” her voice sounding as though she was about to break down.

“Come home, why?” I asked, my own worry rising as I held my breath waiting for her answer.

“Your father…” she started quietly, her voice shaking as she spoke, “He showed up on the doorstep a couple of minutes ago, and he won’t leave. I’ve tried threatening to call the cops but he won’t leave.”

As her words hit me I immediately felt the colour drain from my face as I struggled to find a response. “What does he want?” I wheezed out, my heart hammering and my brain reeling.

“He…” she started quietly before her voice cut off, leaving me even more worried as I could tell the phone was being shuffled around.

It wasn’t even two seconds later when I heard my aunt protesting in the background and a voice that I had hoped to never hear again hit my ears. “Well, well, well, I’m sorry to have to tear you away from your petty little girlfriend, but if you’re not here soon, well son, you don’t want to know what might happen.”

As he spoke no anger resonated from his voice, and that was the worst part, because he sounded like a maniac that took pleasure and amusement from threatening the innocent.

“And what if I don’t want to see you?” I asked, my voice blank and hard as my hand tightened significantly on my phone.

“Look who’s finally grown a backbone,” he joked, his tone chilling as he continued to talk, “But unfortunately for you, that backbone isn’t going to do much for you tonight. Now get over here before something bad happens to your aunt.”

“Parker, stay there with Jillian!” I heard my aunt plead through the phone, before the sound of a sickening crack made it’s way through the speaker, making bile rise in the back of my throat as I envisioned my uncle hurting my aunt like he had my sister.

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