What's the odds?

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So I´ll try to write a story in English. Because I’m from Sweden I’m not so very good at writing in English but I’ll try. Hope you enjoy reading this story about the four lads from Liverpool. Please comment what you think and correct spelling errors :):)

Chapter 1 – Helping a stranger

I was walking alone down the street thinking of my miserable life, not much money, no boyfriend and almost no friends. I was on my way home. Only two blocks away from my apartment I met a group of people. They were talking and shouting loudly, probably drunk. I didn’t want them to see me or whatever so I looked down on my feet and turned right. I was still looking down on my feet as I bumped in to something or someone… I looked up. I saw a man not much taller than myself. He tried to say something but he couldn’t speak properly. He smelled of alcohol and was really drunk. He said he was lost and didn’t know where he was. I offered him to sleep on my sofa over the night and that I would help him home the next day. He nodded his head and we walked slowly towards my apartment. He told me he had been partying with some friends and five persons on the party started to fight over nothing really and he didn’t want to get involved so he left.  Just please don’t think this is what I usually do, I can tell you I never take strangers home and let them sleep on my sofa, I’ve never done it before and I don’t really know why I’m doing it now , I guess I just felt bad for this poor guy. As he could hardly stand up straight without leaning on me I decided to take the elevator up to my apartment on the 3rd floor. We walked in and I locked the door. I took off my jacket and saw him having a bit of trouble taking his off. I helped him and suddenly I froze. I saw us in the mirror reflection. We really looked good together, like a couple! I was just a bit shorter, had long blond hair curled down my shoulders and he was very handsome with a baby face, brown hair and brown warm eyes. I saw our future driving past in my mind, three beautiful kids, he working in some kind of industry and I had a job in a local shop, my perfect (fantasy) life! I got disturbed in my thoughts when I heard a voice saying “umm can I please borrow your bathroom? I really need to vomit”. I dragged him to the bathroom. I went to my bedroom to get some pillows for him to barrow. I putted them in the sofa. He walked in to the room and sat down on the sofa. He cleared his throat and said “it´s really nice of you to letting me stay over the night. I mean people don´t usually have strangers to sleep on the sofa, I could be a prisoner or a murderer ya know” at the end he winked and smiled a big smile. I didn’t know what to say. What if he was a murderer, oh god what have I done? This was a stupid idea to let a total stranger sleep over in my apartment, what was I thinking! As I took so long arguing with myself in my mind he stopped smiling and said a bit more seriously “What’s your name then, aren´t you going to tell me your name?” I excused for not presenting myself and said my name was Leah. “Okay, goodnight Leah and thanks again”. Goodnight I said as I turned around and walked into my bedroom. I laid down but couldn´t sleep. I have to admit I was a bit scared of him. What if he was a murderer? What would I tell the police if he was a prisoner on the run “This man must have jumped in through my window (on the 3rd floor) and then spent the night on my sofa”… This man! Oh god I didn’t even know his name. I was on my way out in the living room when I heard him snore loudly trough the wall. I decided to not disturb him or wake him up so I went to bed and convinced myself he was not a murderer and that I really needed some sleep. I fell asleep.

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