What to wear?

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Chapter 3 – What to wear?

I didn’t know what to do. I just stared on the piece of paper. I still didn’t know anything about him, just his name. I thought to myself, why do you hesitate so much about this, come on you took him home last night and offered him to sleep on your sofa. Now he’s inviting you and he thinks you’re beautiful! I decided to go. But then the panic started! what on earth should I wear?  I ran to my closet and looked through all the clothes. I had so much clothes but still nothing to wear. I took some money and ran down the stairs. It was a really cute guy holding up the door for me as I walked out on the street. He had suitcases beside him so I thought he was about to travel somewhere, that's sad because he was really cute. I thanked him and gave him a big smile before I started to walk down the street. I could feel his eyes staring at me. I bought a nice black dress and a silver necklace that would do fine! I walked back home to take a shower and get dressed. The cute guy who held up the door was sitting on the stairs but his suitcases were gone. As I walked past he stood up and turned around facing me. He reached out his hand and said “Hello!” at the same time he smiled that big and cute smile. I greeted him and smiled back. We sat down and started to talk, we talked for what seemed for hours, he was really nice. I asked where his suitcases have gone. He said that the suitcases where his friends and his friend just picked them up. I nodded and asked why. “My friend had to fly to Paris, I'll also fly there tomorrow we have a gig over there.” A gig? I´m a drummer in a band you see, me my friend and two other guys named John and Paul”. Oh shit!!!!!! Paul! I almost forgot him and the “date” tonight!.  I needed to get dressed and take a shower! I asked him quickly what his name is. He said “Richard but call me Ringo” . Well Rich.. ehm Ringo it was nice to meet you but I really have to go. Have fun in Paris,  I hope we´ll meet again.  And, I took a deep breath..  good luck with the band.   I ran up the stairs and into the shower.

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