CHAPTER 27 : Warmth

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They both are sitting on flower swing,  peacefully under the milky shower of moonshine, gentle breeze passway as it softly touches her hair locks while she snuggled and rub her soft face over his strong shoulder. Krishna smiled softly as he noticed radha's face looking so innocent and naive under the moonlight. He placed a small kiss on her temple as he run his fingers through her hair locks. Then he picked his golden flute and slowly place it between his soft lips as he started to play it with a melodious tune that makes everything so beautiful and deep ,like nature was the under control by his drug like melodious tune,  even the shine over the head looks more shiner than ever before,  river which flowing through the valley of the mountain which looks like pearls lost itself and started to flow melodiously sweeter than ever before. Every single tree and flowers, grass , the dark milky sky which was bath by milky moonlight and covered with bright stars  completely forgot them selves and caught under the spell of the charming tune.

Minutes went by as Krishna continusly playing with the flute while radha place her head on his shoulder while both of them were swinging on the flower veins. It was beautiful and unconditional,  they shower there love over the nature.

Hours later Radha slowly opened her eyes and check his face which looked so beautiful under the moonlight. She couldn't control herself and her face turned pink as she smiled warmly at him.

"Krishna "- Radha called him

Krishna was now stop playing his flute and he looked at her, his attractive eyes were sparkled when he noticed her smile. The only emotion he felt at that moment was unconditional love and bonding towards her ,he gently placed his one arm around her waist and pulled her towards him, while he placed his other hand on her soft plam.

" Radha " Krishna asked softly.

" Why are you loving me so much? " radha asked like a baby.

Krishna simply smiled at her

Radha lit up her eye brows feel annoyed

" Only smile?  😏" Radha's cute expression made him feel happy, he pinched her rosy cheeks which help her to   cheeks made reddened more.

A thoarty laugh escaped from him as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

" I love you and I love you because I love you with out any reason "

A small tear of happiness escaped from her eyes as she embrace him.

" I love you too Krishna with out any reason"

Krishna tightly hugged her and they remand in the same position hugging each other tightly until sudden a idea popped up in her head as she speaks with her soft voice

" Krishna "

"Hmmm " Krishna hummed with his deep tone while snuggling her.

" I want to dance with you in here... To make our special moment special "

" As you wish my wife "

With that Krishna softly removed her from his embrace and waved his hand, without any second delayed the whole nature was covered with beautiful blossom as the forest floor turned more greeny and colorful with flowers and the river flows more rythemickly as the moon shine with his full glowry. The whole scenario looking charismatic like heaven, bathing with milky slivery light,  peacocks danced with there pride as the  air heavy with aromatic scent of the floors.

Radha was mesmerized by the beauty,  she felt like this divine and one. Krishna take her one hand and carried her like a bride as he placed his feets on the forest floor, leaving the flower swing.

" My love let's celebrate our love " with that he placed her on the floor,  they was now facing each other. Radha smile as she started to dance like a feather, so soft and flowy,  Krishna played his flute,  thousands of butterflies  give there company to them,  waving there colorful soft petals like little wings,  even peacocks are also surroundings them dancing with them making everything beautiful and enchanting as well as colorful like dream.

Krishna played his flute while radha dancing around him, the whole universe celebrated their reunion there love and never ending relationship.

They dance on the forest leaving everything behind, leaving there worries,  they are free,  they didn't need any approvals from the toxic society because there love was pure, beyond of the materialistic world. Today they teach every one love was not about any condition, because where was the condition there was no place for love. The whole forest was echoed by their romantic laughed and flute music.

It was "Raash  - celebration of unconditional love,  freedom and worries "

Radha - Krishna dance together like there was never ending tomorrow, they are one and today they only show there that reflection. They giggled, hugged and dance. As the sky blessed them by showering thousands of flowers petals over them.

Here they are,   Such beautiful couple. Radha Krishna

 Radha Krishna

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After a long wait

Sorry for late update. 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

Recently I am going through with some struggles so that's why wouldn't be able to update.

But don't worry here is the update.

So how was the chapter?😍

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