|22| The First One.

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“What do you do,
  When there's no hero in your story?
  You kill the monster and Crown yourself.”
  - (Not known) source Pinterest.

All the thinking will be in Italic font.

I know what you all were expecting- but but but my friends... Here I have a lovely surprise for all of you. *hides behind my pillow*

Third-person POV:-


6th September.
A month ago.
First night after holidays.
Location: Elite Academy terrace.
Time: One in the morning.
New character:- Harry Don and Unknown.

The stars were twinkling in the sky, far away from the earth. Exactly 4.37 light-years away.
They looked magnificent.
Nowadays people get so occupied doing their chores that they forget to acknowledge these beautiful shining things. But then occasionally you just look at them, stop doing whatever work you were doing, and admire them then realise, how much of a small being you are in this vast world.

Strangely Harry Don, one of the famous student of the Elite Academy was doing the same thing.
He looked above, toward the sky. Admiring the work of Nature.
Harry is well-known for his strategic mentality. He knows how to get what he wants, without losing much. He had earned many awards for this Academy and that is why he was here, in this Academy.

But Harry was only a genius, not wealthy.
He is from a middle-class family.
He was here as a scholarship student. And had made a promise to himself that he will make as much as a relations in this Academy, which will help him in the future. And now after so many years of humiliation and planning. he finally got what he wanted.
Power and connections.

Then why am I not happy!?
Harry sighed at his negative mentality.

At the moment, Harry was on the Academy terrace,
He looked around and No one was there, as not many students have returned back yet from holidays.

"I'm sorry" he whispered to himself.

No, he was not guilty for whatever he did. In this Academy, you can't be remorseful. He did what should have been done. It was survival, According to him. You should never trust anyone too much in this Academy. If you do, then you will have to suffer the consequences of it.

It was not my fault.

Someone had trusted Harry And had paid the price for it.

It was.

Harry closed his eyes and jerked his head in denial., he grabbed the railings, which were made of the same stone as other parts of the Academy.

Just for a moment. I'll allow myself to...

Harry looked ahead,
In front of him, there were a lot of trees and mist. Giving the misty effect to the whole scenario.
It was magical.

"Where are you?" He whispered in the darkness and sighs. Creating a misty fog of the coldness.
Fearing that anyone else will hear him. Fearing that someone will know what he had done.

Unexpectedly the air around him started to blow fast along with the sand. Harry had to block his eyes from the wild Air. He looked around at the sudden change but could not see anything around him.
He felt strange and absurd.

Are the rumours true? Is this place really haunted!?

Then after a moment, as if the storm never came, the wind stopped.
Now everything around him, he felt silence.
He felt the silence was more deafening.

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