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Kara had gotten dizzy suddenly and started to fall but before she could touch the ground, Damon instantly supported her as he felt the numbness of her body.

"Kara!" Damon called out worriedly, but Kara's eyes had fallen shut. Damon's mom and grandma and other guests instantly surrounded them in worry. Without missing a beat, Damon lifted her up in is arms and started to storm his way inside the house shouting at no one in particular urgently,

"Call a damn doctor right now!"

His voice had turned demanding and powerful. The whole place was suddenly in a panic. James wanted to take her from Damon's arms but Damon was nowhere ready to leave her. He immediately made his way towards Kara's room upstairs from the hall. It was a long way from the garden of their house but without missing a second or hesitating, he carried her there instantly.

"Damon, calm down." his mom called out, hastily running after them, "it is alright. She might have fainted because she has not eaten anything since morning..."

"What?" Damon shouted angrily, "mom, how could you not make sure that she had eaten anything? She is already so frail and has come back after so long. She has been running here and there since morning looking at arrangements and stuff. What the hell is wrong with you guys?!"

Damon's mom instantly flinched but did not say anything in response. She had made a mistake by not taking more better care of Kara. She knew Damon was extremely worried about her.

Damon put Kara on the bed and covered her body with the duvet. Then pulling out his phone out of his pocket he punched down the doctor's number. As soon as the call was picked up, he barked, "I want you at my home in five minutes."

He hung up the phone while his mom, grandma and James entered inside the room.

"Damon, don't worry so much." his grandma put her hand on his arm and tried to reassure him, "she is going to be alright. My child is just a bit weak, that's all."

"I can see that. Why the hell is she so hell bent on not taking better care of herself!"

Just as they were talking, the doctor came inside the room. Damon instantly led the doctor to the unconscious Kara.

James was a silent observer through all this. There was suddenly a glaring fact in front of his eyes as he saw Damon's behavior. There was a change in Damon that was not there three years ago. His behavior was not the same towards Kara anymore.

The doctor excused everyone and asked them to go outside so he could check up on Kara. Although it was not something that neither of them wanted to do, but leaving Kara's mom inside, they all went out.

After almost fifteen minutes later the doctor finally opened the room and Damon was the first one to rush inside to see Kara.

"Everything is fine." the doctor assured, "She is just malnourished. I don't think she has eaten anything properly for many days now."

Damon's fists clenched tight in rage as the doctor continued, "I have given her an injection so she will come awake in a few moments. Please give her something to drink first and then make sure she eats properly."

Damon's grandma thanked the doctor and walked out with him. Damon took a seat right next to Kara's body on the bed, caressing her face and her head with gentle strokes.

"Mom," he said in a low voice, "please get me a wet cloth to wipe this color off of her face."

His mom brought the cloth and handed it over to Damon. She turned around to walk out and upon finding James standing there, she gave him a small smile and put her hand on his shoulder in a reassuring way before walking out of the room.

James' world was suddenly crashing down in front of his eyes as he watched Damon wipe the color off of Kara's face lovingly. Now he could see why Kara had backed off. Suddenly his chest felt too tight to breathe. Seeing the love of his life belonging to someone else, it was the worst thing that he could have ever imagined to go through.


The party had been wrapped up and everyone was now sitting in the hall scattered on the couch or dining table. Suddenly the sound of footsteps caught the attention of Damon. As his head looked up, he found Kara standing in front of himself. The top of his shirt was open and disheveled.

"Why the hell did you come down here?" he angrily shouted, making everyone jump to their feet to look at what he was talking about. James looked at Damon with anger for shouted in such a way at his Kara like this.

"Sorry... I came downstairs because I was feeling really hungry." Kara said in a small voice with a hidden smile on her face.

All of the anger he had suddenly vanished in the air as he shot out from his seat and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the dining table to sit down.

He put the food on a plate and fed it himself, even though she protested. But in front of Damon's assistance, she could not do anything else than to accept and eat from his hands only. Damon's mom and grandma shook their head at seeing him treat Kara like the same young child she was before she had left.

"I wish someone would give me the same attention and care as they give Kara." Damon's mom sighed dramatically and sat down on the couch again.

Kara coughed a bit at her words as her cheeks turned red. Damon shook his head at her and told her with his eyes to ignore his mom's teasing.

James was not pleased with the whole scenario at all. His nails were digging into the skin of his palm while he tried to suppress the urge to smash everything in sight. Turning around, he stormed out of there without a word. Everything happening around him was too bitter for him to swallow.

When I Adored You (Bad Desires #1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora