The unknown

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Elanoras POV:
Flashback from her mother abusing her:
"ELANORA GET YOUR ASS UP AND MAKE ME BREAKFAST NOW"my mother shouts from downstairs .I hurriedly get up and ignore the pain that's coursing my body.Fuck yesterday's beating was bad.I have purple bruising on my stomach and I have bruises on my arms,from how hard she was gripping them.I have a busted lip and a purple eye.Just great and she still wants me to make breakfast.I put an oversized sweatshirt ,groaning as I move my arms ,fuck this shit hurts.

I limp downstairs as I walk myself in the small kitchen.I see her drinking what seems to be tequila in her hand.What the fuck it's 9:00 in the morning.I walk away from the living room to the kitchen getting out bacon and eggs.I grab some pans and put them on the stove to heat up.I crack some eggs as I put the bacon so it could do it's magic.I stop when my arm begins to ache but I quickly regain myself as I pour the eggs on the pan.I grab some frozen waffles and put them in the microwave.I go back to the eggs and turn them around as they are done,I turn the bacon and let that crisp up.

I take everything and put in a plate.I grab some orange juice and pour it on a cup.I put everything on the table as I limp myself to the living room where shes basically drinking tequila like it's water.

"The foods done"I say as she stands up from the grayish couch,making her way towards me .Ohh not again she literally beat me yesterday.I see her face appear in my vision,she grabs a fistful of my hair .Ooof my head hurts my poor roots.

"I fucking hate you"she spats as her eyes shone hatred and disgust.That hurts me deep down but I don't give her the satisfaction of letting her see it hurts.She tilts my head to the side as she pulls deeper in my roots earning a whimper to escape from me.I see her sinister smirk appear,she lets my hair go harshly as she throws me on the floor.

"Tu eres nada para mi"(your nothing to me),she spats as she walks away ,disappearing in the kitchen.Those words hurt me but what did I expect from her.I always thought that I deserved this,but then at time you realize this is not acceptable.
End of flashback
I wake up gasping for air,I close my eyes trying to calm down my breathing.Gosh I haven't had a nightmare in a while.This is a clear sign change is gonna happen.I feel movement beside me but I keep my eyes closed.I feel soft hands stroke my cheeks,I open my eyes to see foresty green eyes.I stare at his eyes that always seem to calm me.

"I had a nightmare"I grip his hand softly,still glancing at him.

"Okay ladybug just breathe"Lucas mutters quietly as he pulls me in a comforting hug .I move closer so I'm basically clinging onto him.I wrap my arms around his neck as he holds me tight.

I stay in his embrace enjoying the comfort and safeness he always brings me.

"Are you better"he whispers softly to my ear,I nod not wanting to say anything.

"Okay let's get ready for school"he says as we start detaching ourselves from each other.I stand up at the edge of the bed as Lucas walks away not before giving me a kiss in the cheek.

Gosh I hate school.I walk to my closet grabbing my new washed uniform,I walk in the bathroom getting ready to shower.I feel the hot scolding water run down my body as it burns my body but in a good way.I scrub my hair and body with my favorite lavender scented scrub .I turn the water off as I stare at my reflection in the mirror showcasing a girl who's starting to get back to her normal glow.That glow that was once again destroyed by a stupid boy.

I put my uniform on as I let my hair air dry,I put some heels as I start making my way downstairs.I don't even make it downstairs when I hear my brothers argue.

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