Chapter Twenty Four

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"Maybe he hit traffic?"

I solemnly looked up from my plate at my mom, sitting at the table next to my dad. They look at each other and then back to me.

"He's not coming, Mom."

"You don't know that maybe he-"

"He's not coming. I think we broke up yesterday, and he's not answering any of my messages."

"Oh." Greg sighed.

" I'm sorry, honey." My mom started to pick the top of the food container in the middle of the table when my phone suddenly starts buzzing.

I turned it over and saw that it's from Mary Hill Hospital.

"Hello?" I immediately sat up straight, catching both parent's attention.

"I-I'm not on campus. Um, I'm on my way."

"It's Cassidy. I-I have to go." I threw my cloth napkin on the table and ran over to throw my shoes on.

"I'll drive you." My mom said, grabbing her pocketbook.

I was surprised to see Greg shoot up from his chair, following us over to the front door.

We made it to the hospital in just over an hour with traffic. My mom pulled up to the from as I ran into the hospital.

Just as I was about to pass through the lobby, a hospital security guard stopped me.

"Visiting hours are over-"

I flashed him my hospital employee badge, warranting a 'go ahead' wave from him. I wasted no time making my way up to the psych ward.

As soon as I got onto the floor, I saw Sam, the aide who called me, standing by the front desk.

She notices me right away, swiftly making her way up to me, grabbing my arm and guiding me away from the nurse's station.

"Where is he?" I said as she continued to pull me down the hallway.

"He said to call you," her voice was low, "But don't let anyone know you're here for personal reasons because they'll kick you out."

I nodded frantically, my eyes scanning each room we pass by.

"Also, he might be a little out of it," she said, suddenly stopping in front of room 6B, "they sedated him because he was resisting and arguing with the guards."

I looked at the closed door, then back at Sam, "What happened? Did you call his mom?"

Sam hesitates, "His mom OD'd."

My stomach dropped, "What?"

"Apparently, he called 911 after he found her, and then when they got here, and she was pronounced dead, he went ballistic, and they had to retrain him."

Oh my god. I took a shaky breath, "How long will he be in here?"

"Too soon to tell."

"Thank you, Sam."

Sam nods, walking back down the hall. I opened the door and saw Cassidy lying on the hospital bed in the navy blue sweatsuit with restraints around his wrists.

"Cassidy?" I whispered, a tear falling from my face as I look at him.

His eyes were closed, by he looked exhausted. I reached my hand out and placed it on his. My gaze trickled down at the restraints as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I whispered, "I'm sorry."

Suddenly, a nurse walks in, with Sam soon following behind, trying to stop her from coming in.

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