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000d, 00h, 00m, 00s

"Okay, I can't keep ignoring it," Aiden burst out as soon as I sat opposite him, the white tray filled with breakfast as well as lunch foods already placed on the oval table he was sat at.

"Hm?" I wondered, an eyebrow quirked as I popped a single, seedless cherry into my mouth, my attention not completely on him as my eyes flickered through the large cafeteria.

Though, when he impatiently snapped his fingers in front of my face, demanding my attention, my eyes landed on him.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," He whined, a playful pout on his lips before he shook his head. "Are you listening?"

Rolling my eyes, a groan slipping past my lips, I nodded. "I'm listening," I assured, to which he responds with a pleased nod.

"Great, well," He began. "I can't keep ignoring this," He repeated, and I raised my brows, urging him to go on. "Because this is like the second time Monroe has talked to you, personally — something he doesn't usually do—"

I swallowed thickly, knowing where the conversation was going and panicking because I wouldn't have an answer for him, either.

"And you know I don't usually care about all the fuss about him—" That was true, he really didn't care much at all. "—And you know I don't usually engage in gossiping, either." At those words, however, a wide grin took over my features, and I shook my head in amusement, the motion making Aiden falter in his words.

"What?" He asked, irritated by my sudden amusement.

I snorted humorously at it, waving him off quickly. "Nothing," I smiled, trying my best to suppress the laughter begging me to let go. "But that's just not true."

If there was one person to engage in gossiping, it was definitely Aiden. More so than Olivia, Eniola and me combined.

He gasped, hand flying up to his chest. "It is!" He protested, though the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile as soon as the words left his mouth.

Rolling my eyes in a dismissive manner, corners of my mouth still curled upwards, I sighed. He knew I was right. "What were you saying?" I reminded him of the actual topic of conversation, knowing how fast he lost track of it.

It's become a habit; Aiden trying to tell a story but getting so sidetracked I had to remind him of the actual topic. This time, maybe I should've shut my mouth for my own sake.

"Oh right, right," He quickly acknowledged, nodding vigorously as he got back to his original point. "So, I can't keep ignoring that he comes to you, and you go to his office— so, tell me." Eyebrows raised expectantly, a wide grin on his face, he just looked at me.

I wasn't quite sure what he expected to hear.

"What?" I asked, a little perplexed by his sudden excitement about the subject.

"Well, what's going on?" He repeated. "People are talking promotion, but I'm thinking scandalous affair—"

Eyes widening, I leaned over the table to give him a harsh slap against the shoulder before telling him to keep his voice low. I didn't need people thinking anything even close to what he just suggested.

Though repeating his words in my head, another thing quickly caught my attention.

"Promotion?" I asked, instead.

"The promotion part is what you decide to pick up on?" He questioned, amusement lingering in his voice as he shook his head slowly.

Completely ignoring his comment, I asked once more, "Do you think I'm being promoted?" as my eyes widened at the prospect.

Could that be what it was? A promotion?

Is that why he checked how I worked, asked for my opinion, and showed concerns about my being late? It would explain a lot of things.

A promotion to what, though? An assistant didn't really have many positions to be promoted to.

I didn't even know if I wanted to be promoted. Rising up in The System meant more eyes on me. And I was perfectly content with what I was doing now—an ordinary assistant, living in an ordinary apartment.

It was the only kind of normal I had now that Esmond destroyed the prospect of a normal future for me. I didn't think I was ready to give up on that.

"Well, I don't know," Aiden laughed, the sound snapping me out of my thoughts. "Did he ever hint at anything of the sort?"

I immediately shook my head. "No," I shrugged, the thought calming me down just slightly. "But I have to admit the encounters have been rather... I don't know, strange?" I admitted, and his eyes widened in interest.


"Well, no. Not strange— I don't know. Asking about my personal life, wanting my opinion on things—" I cut myself off with a sigh, shaking my head to rid myself of the memory. It would do nothing but confuse me further.

Aiden's brows knitted together tightly at my words, trying to make sense of them just like I was trying.

"Your personal life?"

"About my countdown, Esmond—"

His face lightened up at the mention of him, seemingly all forgotten about the context he was brought up in.

"Ah, Esmond!" He exclaimed with a smile. "How is he doing? We haven't heard from the both of you after that dinner."

"Oh, he's just fine, don't worry—" Before I was able to steer the conversation back onto the actual topic of it, he interrupted me once more.

"He did enjoy himself, right? I like that guy—" He cut himself off when another thought crossed his mind. "He does like me, right?"

A single giggle escaped my mouth at his panicked expression, and I nodded in assurance. "I haven't met a single person that doesn't like you, Aiden."

He laughed. "You're right. What's there not to like?" Rolling my eyes, I popped another cherry in my mouth.

"Well—" I began with a laugh, a playful glare being thrown at me as soon as the words left my mouth.

"Shut up!"

Stan Aiden for clear skin. That is all. 

See you tomorrow. <3

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