Chapter 2: Comfy Seat

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"LET ME GO! Or I will scream this whole place down!" I kick Rayne, who throws me on to Kenzo. Before I can get up, Kenzo grips me by the waist, telling Jett to hold my legs.

"Don't' you fucking touch me!" I growl at Jett, whose about to grab me.

"Ohh, what are you going to do, huh?" Jett grips me by the leg with a sly smirk on his face.

"Actually, what are we going to do?" Cole asks, looking confused as fuck.

"Fucking, grab her first! Can you do that for me?" Kenzo grunts in anger, as I fight him.

5 minutes on fighting later

I am eating the floor, with my face squashed to the ground. "GET OFF ME!" I squirm under their gigantic weight. Jett and Cole decided to sit on top of me, after I wasn't co-operating.

"Who said that?" Cole jokes as he sit comfortably on the back of my legs.

"ME!" I exclaim, trying to lift myself.

"Ignore her, she such a drama queen," Jett mumbles, as he goes back on his phone by the sound of his phone clicking.

"ASSHOLES!" I yell, feeling the strain of their weight. Kenzo laughs and so does Rayne.

"Let's see you scream now, huh?" Rayne teasingly laughs in my face, as he kneels to my eye level. Urgh, I want to slap that grin off his face.

"Yeah, you fucking grasser!" Kenzo sneers at me, kneeling next to him.

"Grasser!" I gawk at them. The nerve for him to use that word on me, how dare he?

"Look you," my eyes fixed on his blue scary ones, I swear he's a demon.  Kenzo has always had a scary look about him and everyone in this school is afraid of him and his gang.

"What?" He snaps, pursing his lips, with a contempt look in his eyes.

I get it, he's mad. I know I made his social life disperse, because of my action. But what he and his friends were doing wasn't right.

"I only told Mr Davis!" I assure them. "It's not my fault, he was the first one I bumped into." I shift my eyes away, praying that he understands.

"Yeah, well that fuck is my stepdad." Kenzo booms, making me jump out of my skin. "What? I didn't know," I stammer, trying to figure how is that even possible. All Mr Davis ever does is throw him into detention.

"Well, you know now!" Jett points out, I feel him place his phone on my back. What am I a flipping table? I try to look over, but it's impossible."Can you get off me now," I whine. I literally can't feel my butt anymore.

"Nope," they all say in unison.

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