pt | 14

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Finally, a month to rest.

After the music video was released, I was free. All I have to do was to wait for my schedule for my next comeback. All I have to worry was food and something to entertain me. There were lot to do.

And one of it was going to BTS concert.

The gang was rehearsing when I was busy with the shows and producing music. I barely saw them in the dorm as they were always in the building.

The guys just left the dorm together with their manager to rehearse one more time as the concert was tomorrow. I had nothing to do so I called the twins, Hanmi and Hanji. They became my friends since I debuted.

"What do you want, Y/N? I was sleeping till this big-mouthed rooster screamed," Hanji said.

"That's the best way to wake you up," Hanmi shrugged.

I giggled, "Here's the plan..."


I clapped my hands as the boys finished rehearsing. They looked surprised to see me.

"Great job, boys. Keep it up," I said, sounding like a manager.

They rolled their eyes at me as they reached for their bottles of water. I stayed at the ground, smiling at them from the stage.

Yoongi smiled at me and walked towards my direction. He leaned down and stretched his hand at me. I stared at it confused but took it anyway and he helped me climbed up the stage.

We walked to the others.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Exhausted and excited," Jimin said.

"Hungry?" I smiled.

They huffed and nodded. I chuckled and called my back-ups. Hanmi was carrying the foods and Hanji carried the drinks. The guys grinned as their eyes locked at the bags. The twins handed it over the boys and they happily accepted it. They sat on the floor and started unpacking and ate.

"Where did you bought this? It tastes good," Taehyung grinned.

I and the twins huffed at them, "We made it."

They turned their heads at our direction and smiled in amusement.

"Wow, this tastes like a food in a restaurant. Who cooked it?" Namjoon asked.

I proudly pointed myself and flipped my hair. They chuckled at my movements and continued to eat. Hanmi, Hanji and I joined them. We sat on the floor, feeling tired.

"Still can't believe I packed more than seventy containers," Hanji complained while cracking her knuckles.

"More than seventy?" Seokjin raised a brow.

"Yeah, we gave the other staffs too, you know? We knew they're also tired," Hanmi answered.

"Where did you prepared?" Seokjin asked.

"Uhh... In the dorm?"

Seokjin pouted and huffed, "You should have told us so we can help."

"You have a big work to do and you're busy. We have nothing to do so we prepared for you. We know you made your best for this preparation," I smiled.

"Thank you, Y/N," Yoongi smiled.

I smiled back at him.

The three of us stayed and cheered the boys while they rehearsed. We stayed a little longer and left.

After the visit from the stadium, we went shopping. We bought shirts we'll wear for the concert. I asked them to join me so that I have someone to company me. They both agreed.

Afterwards, we bid goodbyes and I went home. I placed the dresses I bought and took a shower. Because I have nothing to do for tonight, and I was not that exhausted, I cooked the boys a dinner to gain their energy for tomorrow's big day.

After preparing the table, I snapped a photo of it and sent to the guys and told them that I prepared dinner so they won't eat outside.


I removed my gaze from the T.V screen and glanced at the wallclock. Two more minutes and someone will open the door. I waited and as expected, the door swung open and seven exhausted figures came in.

"Hey," I called.

"Hi," they smiled.

They threw their stuffs on the couch and raced to the kitchen. I giggled and placed their things properly. I sat back down on the couch and continued watching a movie.

I felt someone walked towards me so I turned my gaze at who it was.

"Are you not joining us?" Yoongi asked as he sat beside me.

"I already ate, oppa," I smiled.

"You sure? Because the maknaes are already gulping the whole plate," he said.

I chuckled and shook my head, "I'm fine, oppa. You should eat to gain your energy. You need it tomorrow."

He smiled and patted my head. He stood up and went back to the kitchen. They finished eating so I went to the kitchen. They were still on their seats, rubbing their tummys. I giggled at the sight.

"Full?" I asked.

"Yeah, thank you so much."

Seokjin was about to clean the table but I stopped him.

"It's okay, oppa. Leave it to me. You should rest. I know all of you are tired. Leave it to me, I'll wash the dishes."

"You already did too much, Y/N," Namjoon complained.

"I'm fine, oppa. I didn't do much things. Just leave it to me. You guys should rest. I can handle this," I smiled reassuringly.

"Are you sure? I can help," Yoongi said.

"Aish! Just take some rest."

They nodded and thanked me. They exited the kitchen and I did my business. When I was done, I went to bed and got my things ready for tomorrow.

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