Chapter 3: Morning

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"Hmn" I rolled over on the bed and slowly opened my eyes 

I squinted at the light shining through the drapes and slowly sat up 

I sat still for a while scanning my surroundings

'So it wasn't a dream' I thought idly

I got out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom to get ready. I mindlessly stripped and took a warm shower. 

'We never got to take warm showers at the compound' I thought basking in the warmth

When I was done I opened up Jasmine's closet


"No" was all I said before shutting the door

Her entire wardrobe was filled with pink clothes and most of them were dresses

I debated with myself before slowly opening the door again


'I can find something ' I thought hopefully 

I scoured through her closet before finding a simple oversized black t-shirt and light blue jeans.

"Yes" I nodded happily, but my face still emotionless 

I changed quickly and went through her memories 

Jasmine already packed all her stuff, so I grabbed the suitcase that's all the way in the corner 

'I'm taking this for appearances. I'm throwing all these clothes out and going shopping later' I thought determined 

I grabbed the bracelet case from the nightstand before opening up the bedroom door. When I exited the room my whole persona changed. My face was dull and I walked with confidence. I walked towards the stairs and could hear clinking of silverware.

‘From her memories, Jasmine never ate with her family because she wanted to be alone’ I thought walking into the dining room

I placed my luggage against the wall and sat down at the table


The table went quiet and I looked up. Sitting across from me was Cynthia, with her long blonde hair and round dark brown eyes. She would be an innocent beauty if she didn’t have a nasty sneer on her face.

‘Not good at hiding her emotions, is she’ I thought to myself

Next to her was probably Rose. They look exactly the same except Rose had silky long brown hair and soft cherry pink eyes. Rose smiled kindly at me, but I could see the annoyed glint in her eyes.

‘The novel said that Cynthia was brash and said whatever she wanted, but Rose hid all her emotions behind a kind smile. Rose was the one who came up with all the schemes' I thought analyzing every little detail, ‘Rose cared a little bit about Jasmine, though it was only because she thought Jasmine could be of some use in the future. Whatever, it’s not like I’m gonna give her a reason to scheme against me’ 

Lastly, at the head of the table was Madelyn, Jasmine’s mom. She had silky blonde hair and dark pink eyes. She was an alluring beauty with that bewitching smile and calculating look in her eyes.

‘Why are bad people always beautiful? Even my superiors in my past life were extremely good looking’ I thought slightly annoyed

They were looking at me with confusion lacing their features. I just kept quiet and ate the food a maid brought me.

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