16. The Approval

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Astoria sat in front of Narcissa as they took a break from their shopping. “Oh, it’s so great to be out with you, Narcissa. I’ve been itching to come out of my flat - living alone is so suffocating.” She explained with a deep sigh.

“I can say the same to you, too, Astoria. Oh, ever since … Draco’s father passed it’s been hard on me. But I’m glad I’m able to come out once in a while and it’s all thanks to you.” Narcissa smiled warmly.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Astoria said, frowning as she set her cup down. “It must be so hard for you to live all alone.”

“Yes, well, I’ve … learned to get used to it. Besides, I can finally decorate the house the way I want to.” She joked with a forced chuckle. “Oh, it’d be so great if I could have you as my daughter-in-law.” She stated wistfully with a sad smile.

Astoria grinned, blushing as she looked down. “Well, I’d be honored to have you as my mother-in-law. But, Draco should marry the person he loves.” She said, lifting her head up hesitantly. “And since he loves Hermione--”

Narcissa scoffed as she shook her head. “Ugh, I don’t like her. I don’t see her with my Draco - meeting through a one night stand! Ha! And they way she treats me - absolutely no respect.” She creased her eyebrows with disapproval as she pressed her lips firmly together. “I just wish I could get rid of her somehow.”

Astoria’s eyes widened as her ears perked up. She smiled, but quickly hid it as she cleared her throat. “Well, I do have … a plan.”


“I don’t know if you’ll like it,”

“Oh, honey, do tell.” Narcissa leaned in eagerly, lending Astoria her ear.

“Well, I’ve been thinking and maybe …” Astoria whispered her plan into Narcissa’s ear with a smirk playing on her lips.

“Oh, that’s brilliant, Astoria.” Narcissa grinned from ear to ear as she leaned back out. “That sounds perfect,”


Draco sat on the couch anxiously as he stared at the wall in front of him. He yawned and stretched, occasionally taking a quick look at his phone. “Stop it,” He whispered, ripping his eyes off his phone. He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck with a frustrated sigh. He rose from the couch and walked over to the kitchen, getting ready to make himself breakfast. Whistling and keeping himself busy, Draco began to cook some waffles. Time to time, his whistling would stop when he looked over the counter at his phone to see if it lit up with light. It didn’t. Not once, not ever.  

“What are you doing, mate?” He suddenly asked himself, waiting for his waffles to cook. He glued the palm of his hands onto the counter, leaning over as he thought to himself. “No, why are you waiting for her to call or text you? No, you don’t care. You don’t give a rat’s arse whether she calls you or not.” He told himself with conviction and passion, nodding as he scoffed. “I’m ridiculous - Draco Malfoy does not wait for a girl’s cal--” He heard his phone ring and immediately dropped everything, running over to his phone in a blink of an eye. He excitedly looked at his phone and his heart dropped. It was just spam mail. “I need to get rid of this email account, I don’t even use it.” He stated bitterly, throwing his phone back on the couch.

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