182- Swallowed in One Go

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Ch182 - Swallowed in One Go

Lin Xuanzhi and Yan Tianhen had been surrounded for a while. Eventually, Lin Liuchun was the one who had to pull a long face as he pulled Lin Xuanzhi and Yan Tianhen out of their encirclement before everything was considered to be over.

Everyone was reluctant to return to their own rooms, and after closing the doors to their rooms, they hurriedly spread the big news.

In Lin Liuchun's room.

After closing the door, Lin Liuchun grasped the round Foundation Stage pill and lay on the rocking chair. He let out a prolonged breath and scolded, "People who haven't seen the world; just one Foundation Stage pill turned them so fanatical, did they have to go that far?!"

"Of course." Lin Xuanzhi said.

Lin Liuchun's mouth twitched. "Kid, do you understand the principle of not talking back to your elders?"

Lin Xuanzhi cast a glance at him askance and lightly asked, "Fourth Elder, don't tell me you expect everyone to be as knowledgeable as you and not even change their expressions in the face of a crumbling Mt. Tai?"

Lin Liuchun, "..."

This kid could really talk.

Lin Liuchun, who had been awakened in the middle of the night and even got encircled by a crowd that buzzed all around him, finally relaxed the long face that he was pulling.

He looked at Yan Tianhen, who only looked up from Lin Xuanzhi's body after entering the room, and frowned, "You're only at your Refining Qi Stage's seventh layer now?"

Yan Tianhen had gotten a fright but he had already settled down by now.

He nodded. "Yeah, Refining Qi's seventh layer."

Lin Liuchun said, "Why do I seem to remember that you were only at your fifth layer before we left the Lin residence?"

Lin Xuanzhi's heart jumped.

Although Lin Liuchun always gave people the feeling that he spoke incoherently and had a bad memory, but in fact, he had really good observational skills and an excellent memory as well. Some details that went unnoticed by others would be keenly sensed by him and he would commit it to memory.

Yan Tianhen scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed, "Yeah, I was weaker then."

Lin Liuchun was speechless for a moment. "What I want to ask is how you advanced by two layers in such a short time."

"Oh, that's what you're talking about?" Yan Tianhen pondered for a bit, "That day, I slept for three days in a row and for some reason, I jumped to the seventh layer after waking up."

Lin Liuchun's eyebrow raised involuntarily, the words 'are you fucking kidding me' written all over his face.

Lin Xuanzhi wanted to laugh, but he thought that he should leave his own family's elder some face, so he coughed lightly and properly hid his urge to laugh, "Fourth Elder, Ah Hen is speaking the truth. He isn't lying in the slightest."

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Lin Liuchun didn't pursue the matter any further. Frankly speaking, he had seen many such strange occurrences like this. Heaven was unpredictable, so anything could happen, depending on whether there was a turning point or not.

Lin Liuchun looked at the Foundation Stage pill in his head and asked Yan Tianhen some questions regarding refining pills. After he found out that this was the first pill Yan Tianhen had refined in his life, his facial expression was a particularly spectacular sight.

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