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Seb sighed at the girl beside him. He realised just how petty she was when she basically took up half of her seat, pushing herself up against the door trying to keep herself as far away from him.

"Nomi... I'm sorry" he mumbled

Naomi was happy that he apologised but she wanted to make him squirm for a bit. She always took it the extra level.

Seb watched her not even acknowledge his apology and started the car. They drove in silence this time.

The drive was quick. A lot quicker than when they left.

Seb pulled into a parking space and stopped the car. Naomi immediately tugged at the door to try and open it. It was locked. She finally acknowledged the boy beside her. She looked at his pleading eyes and felt bad.

"Sebastian unlock my door" she demanded

"No, not until you forgive me" he responded

"Just unlock my door" she shrugged off his last statement

"Naomi" he called out

"Can you just unlock the-"

"Naomi!" he raised his voice, grabbing onto her wrist tightly as he pulled her to look at him

"Look at me when I'm taking to you" he said as her eyes widened, flickering down to his grip on his wrist

"I'm looking, can you let go of my wrist please?"

"Naomi, I'm sorry-" he began to apologise, needing Naomi's attention on him and him only when he said this

"Seb my wrist" Naomi interrupted him because his apology wasn't important right now, not with the increasing pain of his strong hand wrapped around her wrist, forcing her to look in his direction

"Like I was saying" he continued, dismissing her, "I'm sorry for what happened in-"

"Seb please let my wrist go" she said as she attempted to pull it out of his strength, but it was no use as he continued to stare at her with a far away look

"Naomi, I said I'm sorry" he repeated

"Yes!" She said desperately, trying to get him to understand she was in pain, "you're sorry, you're forgiven, but you're hurting me, Seb stop it, please" she whispered

"Shit sorry Nomi, I didn't realise" he said instantly letting go of her wrist, watching her with sad eyes as he noticed her rubbing it soothingly to ease the pain he'd caused. He didn't even realise his own strength. He just thought she was trying to get away.

Reaching out for the same wrist, seb took it - much gentler this time, holding her wrist up to his lips and kissing the skin as he looked up at her, "I'm so sorry Nomi" he apologised

Smiling at the boy who clearly didn't mean it and just wanted her attention because she was being a bit of petty bitch so he used the measures he had assumed would work best on her, Naomi's eyes softend as she smiled at him, "Seb, I'm not pissed at you, I just wanted to make you squirm earlier" she laughed

Seb made a straight face. He couldn't believe her. He thought she was actually pissed off at him.

Naomi now had her body turned towards him as she watched the boy unclick both of their seatbelts.

"Come 'er" he beckoned, pointing at his lap

Naomi took no time in crawling over to his lap. She straddled him. Their faces merely meters apart. She bent down and crashed her lips into his. He grabbed her hips and steadied her.

The two couldn't get enough of each other. He slid his hands under her, well his, jumper and cupped her boobs.

She had nothing on underneath.

She heard him inhale heavily at the realisation as he squeezed her breasts.

She began to rock her hips at the sensation, loving him touching her as he couldn't help but let out the smallest verbal signs of satisfaction.

He pulled her jumper all the way up and attached his lips to one of her mounds.

Naomi loved it. "Mmm" she moaned

Seb released her breast from his lips with a pop. He slapped the other, igniting another moan from the girl.

That's when Naomi noticed he begun to move her off of his lap and back onto her own seat. She was confused.

Seb adjusted himself so his print wasn't visible and unlocked the car doors.

Naomi sat there in shock again. She couldn't believe he just did that. She got out of the car and began to make her way to the boot to talk to Seb.

"Before you start, it's pay back. Think of it as a draw for both of us. Now no one has the upper hand" He smiled.

Naomi opened her mouth to rebuttal when she realised he was right, if they kept this up they'd always be trying to one up each other. She looked at her phone and saw it as 4:07am. Fuck. She has lectures in the morning.

Seb locked his car, shopping bags in hand and began to make his way back to the accommodation, with Naomi walking next to him. She had offered to help but he shook his head.

Seb turned to make his way to Naomi's block. "No no, please just go back to your block, you're already carrying your shopping, I don't want you to carry it for any longer than you have to. I promise I can walk to my flat by myself. I'll even text you when I get back safely in my room" she demanded

Seb looked at her hesitantly. "Okay fine, but wait" he said. He dropped his shopping bags onto the floor and pulled Naomi in for a kiss.

It was meant to be short and sweet but the two got carried away. His hands found her ass and squeezed it. She moaned into the kiss, wanting more. He eventually pulled away from a pouting Naomi.

He looked her over once more before he grabbed her packet of crisps from his bag and handed them to her.

She smiled at the gesture and walked towards her block. She made it into her block, pushing the lift button.

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