Chapter 05

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"Whaaaaa!" I muffled my squeals with my shell-shape throw pillow.

Eren and I spend the day walking around the park and talking about our movie preferences. We're both Disney babies. Of course, you need more than a day to talk about every Disney movies, that's why we're meeting again next weekend. And Eren invited me to his apartment to watch Disney movies.

When I reached my penthouse, I immediately called Hange to come over. When she arrived, I dragged her heavy ass to the living area and I shared the great news.

Hange stared at me, eyes squinting behind her glasses. I never knew she could be this quiet, I expected her to squeal along with me but it seems like she hit her head or something. A quiet Hange was a broken Hange. Shit, did I broke her? Maybe she's just too happy for me? That could be it.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Hange waved her hands dismissively. "You're saying that you guys are dating now, but Eren thinks you're a different person? So, you guys are dating... but not really?"

I threw the pillow aside. "So what?! I'm going out with Eren!"

"I heard that and I'm happy for you. But did you at least told him directly that you're Levi Ackerman? He's boss?"

"Of course, I did!"

"What did he said?"

"He laughed at me and said- no, you are not. My boss is a different person." I sighed with a smile, recalling Eren's laugh. "I like his laugh."

"Wow," Hange pondered. I think she's amazed by Eren's lack of utilizing his brain cells or my extreme infatuation towards the brunette Alpha. I'm not sure which she's so focused on, and I didn't care. I guess this just proved that the saying-Opposites attracts- was powerful.

"You know what? Let's fucking celebrate!" I stood and went to the wine cooler in the kitchen. I took my favorite red wine, grabbing two wine glasses before going back to the living area, and placing them on the coffee table.

"Okay," Hange smiled anyway, despite that I could see the uncertainty in her eyes because of my relationship status.

Overall, this was the best day.


"I'm almost there~"

"People think that I'm crazy, but I don't care~"

"Trails and tribulations, I had my share~"

"There's nothing that could stop me now cause I'm almost there~"

Days passed like a blur and now I'm in the Alpha's tiny apartment singing 'Almost There's from The Princess and the Frog with him on the floor like a bunch of brats. A pack of cheeseburgers on our lap and two tall glasses of coke in front of us.

We watched the second Disney film of the day on Eren's small portable DVD player and moved on sitting on the floor than on Eren's bed.

The Alpha's apartment was tiny and most of the space was occupied by the double-deck bed. I could hardly believe that Eren had survived living in such a tiny space with his friend, Jean, an Alpha that's probably as big as Eren. Two Alphas in one tiny room? That could trigger their territorial instincts but the brunette explained that he and Jean were best friends since elementary and they didn't mind living together in a tiny space.

Though the place was tiny, it was clean, a bit dark with one small window and a hot but more importantly, it's clean.

I giggled as the song ended. I felt a little high now that I could smell Eren's natural scent in the room. There was a mix of another Alpha's but I could easily focused on inhaling Eren's ocean breeze and pine scent like a drug. Shit, he smelt so good.

I could feel Eren's gaze drifted to me several times after the song. He'd been anxious when I came in and bought a handheld fan. Even though I told him that I'm not hot, he occasionally aimed the fan at me.

"You don't have to do that," I laughed.

"It's hot here but during the evening, it's really cool!"

I turned to him with wide eyes. Was that an invitation? Oh, God! Then, he should text Jean to sleep on someone else's couch and-

"Winters are another story though," he laughed adorably.

I just smiled and shook my head. Nope, he's not inviting me to stay over. Shit, he got my hopes up though.

The day after our first date, I went to work beaming with joy, and when I saw Eren came in very early, my smile widens. Though I noticed that he was nervous and looked pale.

"Are you okay, Yeager?" I asked, worried sick of his well-being.

"Sir, I..." Eren gulped nervously. "I'm sorry!"

I blinked at him.

"I... I understand now what you meant before when you said that you want to take me on a date... You mean that 'date' date..."

Oh, that... I smiled and reached out to ruffled his hair. "It's fine."

"I... I can't accept your invitation, Sir, because I met this Omega on the same day you asked me to accompany you to a meeting. His name was Levi too and he was so nice just like you," Eren smiled happily at me, it was contagious, it's ridiculous how much this Alpha affected me positively.

I didn't notice that Petra and Hange were right there behind me with their jaws hanging. Whatever, I don't care. I going out with Eren now.

"It's okay, Eren."

"Really?" Eren looked at me with those damn puppy dog eyes. Shit, I want him. Done.

"Yeah, now be a dear, and please make me tea."

"O-Of course!" Eren straightened and went to the door, excusing himself as he passed Hange and Petra.

I was grinning from ear to ear after Eren left. He's so fucking adorable.

"Whoa," Petra stared at me. When I turned to her, she panicked and explained herself. "I'm sorry Boss, I was just surprised that you asked for tea so kindly. N-Not that you were not being kind before, but you know? You usually say, 'Get me tea!' And then when it was Eren, you-"

"Hold the phone!" Hange shrieked. "Didn't we all witnessed that Eren said it himself that he met an Omega named Levi-," she gestured to me. "-that weekend but still think that Levi was a different person?!"

"Chill your ass, Hange." I shook my head. Hange's being weird, no, not weird, she's acting... normal. And that's concerning. "It's fine, aren't you happy for me? I'm going out with Eren now."

"I am happy for you but I just couldn't-"

"Easy Hange, I think even if we told Eren directly that it was Boss who he was dating, I don't think that he'll believe us." Petra patted her shoulder.

"I figured that he'll be the last to know." I nodded.

"But-" Hange paused when Eren came in with a cup of steaming Earl Grey. Petra and Hange moved out of the way, fearing that the brunette Alpha would trip, fell, and spill the drink. It happened before, he spilled tea on my suit but, of course, I instantly forgave him. He's so adorable when he looked at me with those big green eyes.

"Thank you, Eren," I took the cup from him with a smile then I turned to Hange with a smirk. "Do you agree with me? Eren?"

Eren gazed landed on the three of us, confused but he gave us all a beaming smile. "Um, I don't know what's happening but, of course, I agree with you, Sir!"


edited 02/26/21

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