Chapter 27: Fairy tales are for children.

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Chapter 27    

~Laken’s POV~

The fighting had continued well into the night without so much as a pause. Each side fought viciously for victory but to what end? I’d always believed war only brought pain and suffering, no side truly won, whether it was the side that had instigated it or the side that was retaliating.

In our case it seemed to be a losing battle, injured men were being brought in it seemed every minute and the ones that lived were in no condition to continue fighting. I thought of my dad among them, wondering if he too had been brought to another household to get treatment. Had he already died on the battlefield? or was he still out there fighting for us all?

I sighed in despair, I loved my father but I feared the impact his death would have on my mom than it would have on me because despite the fact that I was his own flesh and blood, the bond between mates went deeper than that. At the moment my mother was walking among the children, making sure they were all sleeping.

They’d been put on cots hours before and after telling them story after story they’d finally dropped off two by two. How they slept through the noise and chaos was a guess. She was trying to keep busy and if one could only judge by outward appearances you would think she was just fine but I knew her better than that.

She was wringing her hands in front of her, something she did when she was nervous and every now and then she would look up whenever someone walked through the door. Her mood seemed to take a hit every time it turned out to be someone other than the man she loved.

I wanted to comfort her, tell her it was going to be okay but I figured I’d lied to my mother quite enough already, because things wouldn’t be okay, not for our pack, we’d lost so many already I was beginning to wonder who we had left to continue fighting.

I looked from my mother to the other end of the room where Carson and Thomas stood bent over a map resting on a small table between them. They came in about ten minutes before to discuss strategy and were still in deep debate.

I looked closely at my mate, noticing the way he stood with his shoulders hunched as if he was in great pain. He was sweaty and dirty and there was dried blood on his hands. Every now and then he would flinch and press his hand tentatively to his shoulder and I knew without a doubt that he was hurting.

I watched as he straightened running his hand through his hair, then heaving a sigh. He looked frustrated  and tired. Of course he wouldn’t show this to anyone but I also knew he was scared shitless and it wasn’t a weakness in him that made this so; it was the deep love he had for our pack and all that we had lost tonight as well as everything we may still lose that scared him.

It scared me as well and I resisted the urge to go over there and comfort him too. He had more important things to worry about than a clingy teenage boy.

“I’ve already contacted Marcana and she’s agreed to send whatever help she can, but that will still take hours, so we’ll just have to continue driving them back to the border, that way when her troops get here we’ll pretty much have them surrounded. It’ll be easier to finish them off that way.” Carson said to Thomas, who nodded before catching his bottom lip between his teeth and furrowing his brow as he gazed at the map.

“I just hope we can hold them off long enough Carson because at the rate we’re going we won’t have many wolves left to even put up a fight.” Thomas said seriously.

“We must have the upper hand though right? I mean we have thousands of wolves on our side.” I spoke up.

“The numbers aren’t our biggest asset right now. I’m not even sure if we have more wolves than they do, but I’d say they have the upper hand because they have help from at least four different packs, which means different fighting techniques and a variety of fire power.” Thomas replied.

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