Chapter 45

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It was as if time froze. Cole continued to stare right in my eyes, not saying anything else. I don't know how long this when on but too soon did Mr. Rivera start talking.

"Why the hell did you stop?" That makes me step out of my stupor and I grab my necklace and put it in my shirt.

Cole turns to his dad with an emotionless expression. "I can't do this, dad. I'm sorry."

"Why can't you? You were doing completely fine until now. So tell me, what is the reason?" Mr. Rivera said angrily.

"I'm just not comfortable with fighting her. The only reason I fought her was because you wanted me to, but I can't anymore. I'm done with this; get someone else to do the dirty work." He said and started to walk back to his side.

"What's so special about her?" Cole's dad says, causing him to stop.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. I know you fucking know her. So, again, I ask you, what's so special about her? Who even is she?" Mr. Rivera presses. While his attention is on Cole, Nic comes up and takes me back to our side.

"She is just someone from school. It doesn't matter." Cole and his father continue to argue and my brothers turn to me.

"How did he figure out who you were?" Enzo asks.

I pull out my necklace. "He gave me this about a month ago. It must have gotten untucked from my shirt and he saw it."

Savio asked the next question with a deep breath. "How long?"

I knew exactly what he was asking and I answer honestly. "Two months."

"We will talk about this when we get home." Enzo says, sounding disappointed.

I just nod and we put our attention back to the argument occurring on the other side. Mr. Rivera just brought Val and her family into the fight.

"Pensi che i genitori di Val vogliano che il loro futuro genero sia un codardo? (Do you think that Val's parents want their future son-in-law to be a coward?)" He said, resorting to Italian. I see my brothers gape at him. Liam just looks confused and I wonder if Val ever told him.

"Solo perché non voglio combattere qualcuno non significa che sono un codardo. Se vuoi litigare così tanto, combatti tu stesso con qualcuno. E non ho mai voluto sposare Val; stai cercando di forzarlo. (Just because I don't want to fight someone doesn't mean that I am a coward. If you want a fight so bad, just fight someone yourself. And I never wanted to marry Val; you are trying to force it.)"

Enzo decides he can't take this argument anymore. "Se avete intenzione di litigare, possiamo continuare un'altra volta? (If you two are just going to argue, can we just continue this another time?)"

"Potrebbe pure. Sembra che io e mio figlio abbiamo molto di cui discutere. Tuttavia, non pensare che sia finita. (Might as well. It seems my son and I have a lot to discuss. Though, do not think that this is over.)

We all walk out and I say bye to Liam before getting into the car and taking my mask off. As the car ride to the warehouse, it was silent. Only this time, there was no music in the background, making me terrified of the conversation I have to have with my brothers once we get home. 

Arriving to the house, we all get out of the car and head inside. Enzo, Savio, and Nic all go upstairs to the office and I know to follow them, whereas my younger older brothers head for the kitchen. Going inside and shutting the door, Enzo takes a seat in the office chair while the rest of us sit on the couch.

"So, you have been dating Cole for two months and you never told us." He says, not as a question but a statement.

"Yes, but let me explain. You finally allowed us to be friend's and I knew you would never have allowed that friendship if you knew there were romantic feelings involved. Don't even try to deny it. If I told you I liked him and wanted to date him, you would've said no and you would have said we couldn't be friends anymore." I said, pleading for them to understand.

"Were you ever going to tell us?" Savio asks.

"Yes, I would have told you eventually. To be honest, I was going to ignore my feelings and only be friends with him. But then the whole shooting happened and I don't know. I guess it made me realize how short life is, especially in the world we live in, and I wanted to take a risk."

My two eldest brothers look too Nic. "Don't you have anything to say?"

"I don't really have a right to judge. I kept my relationship a secret for a year and a half, so two months isn't terrible. Though, Lil, you did know how dangerous this was, right?"

"Yes, I do know and I'm sorry. Honestly, I was more scared of his dad finding out than anything and if I told you guys, there would have been a higher chance of him finding out." I admit.

Enzo asks, "Did you know about Cole and Val?"

I nod. "She told me that day she spent the night that their parents were trying to force an engagement. Actually, another reason why we kept it a secret. Even her and Liam are in a relationship so it kind of worked out I guess."

"I'm not going to lie to you, Bambina. I am disappointed that you didn't think you could tell us, but I understand why. Therefore, you are grounded for two weeks, so give me your phone." Enzo says.

I pull my phone out from my purse and start to hand it to him, however, at last minute, I pull back. "Wait. Can I call Cole? I really need to talk to him. Once I'm done, I promise I will give you my phone."

Savio nods his head. "That's fine. We'll leave, so you can talk to him in here."

All three of them leave and I pull up Cole's contact and FaceTime him. The phone rings four times before he answers, his hair messy and eyes a little red. "Hey."

"Hey Cole. I wanted to talk about what happened."

"Well, I have one question. Did you know who I was?" He asks.

"Yes, I did. I've known since the second or third week I've been here." I said truthfully.

He just takes a deep breath, as if preparing for something. "Did you use me? Did you just become my friend and start dating me for information?"

"No! Not at all. No one in my family knew I was in a relationship with you until today. Listen, can we meet up somewhere and talk in person? This conversation may be easier that way." I asked hopefully.

"The cafe. We can meet there at 8:00 tonight. My younger brother will be coming with me though; I have to watch him tonight." Cole says.

"That's fine. I'll see you tonight." I then hang up the call and go downstairs to the kitchen, where I see my six brothers standing. Walking up to Enzo, I hand him my phone.

Once he takes it, I say, "I need someone to drive me to The Hideout. It's a coffee shop a little out-of-town."

"Why?" asked Matteo.

"I'm meeting Cole there at 8:00 tonight to talk to him about a couple things."

Luca asks, "Are you sure that that is a good idea?"

"It may not be a good idea, but it's the only way I can think of to have a proper conversation with him about what happened."

"I'll take you." Nic offers.

"Thanks. And you'll probably have to entertain his brother. He's ten." I mention.

They all looked confused. "He has a younger brother?"

"Yeah, he was there today. The boy next to Cole that looked almost exactly like him, just a little shorter." I explain.

"How did we not notice that?" Fabiano says, truly curious.

"I don't know. Nic, we will be leaving at 7:30, so be ready."

"Got it. Now go take a nap. You look exhausted." 

"Hey, I have a right to be tired. I just had to fight someone not even two hours ago and had to deal with an argument and a grounding." I say.

"Fair enough. Now go." I walk to my room and only take my shoes off before crawling in bed and falling asleep.

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