He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 3

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Blake and I walked into the large gymnasium and sat down together on the bleachers.

The other students made their way into the gym and sat down.

Tyler and Chelsea walked in with a group of seniors following behind them.

Tyler winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

He needs to stop with the winking.

Five minutes after the bell rang the gym teachers stood up and began talking.

They take gym class so seriously.

The bell rang and I had one more class with Leo.

We walked together hand in hand to class and sat down in the very back.

"So, do you want to do something tomorrow?" he asked.

"What did you have in mine?"


"We need a ride," I said playing with his hair.

"My mom can drop us off but I don't think she can pick us up,"

"I'll ask mine and tell you tomorrow," I said as more people walked into the classroom.

"No sitting in the back rows, everyone move up!" the teacher yelled.

She's going to be a bitch this year.

"Like hell I am," I muttered.

Leo gave me a look before moving up.

I was the only one in the back row and Ms. Bitch glared at me.

"Move up!"

"No, it's a free country and I can sit where I want and I want to sit here so you can, um...suck it,"

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Who wants to know?" I shot back.

Leo rested his hands in his head and sighed.

I stress him out.

"Young lady,"

"That's not my name. It's Ryan Allen,"

"Chelsea's Allen's sister? Wow, you're-"

"I know," I said glared.

I hate being compared to my sister.

"Sit," she ordered and I sat back down. "I'm Ms. Jones and I'll be your Bio teacher,"

Ms. Jones, huh? No wonder she's so bitter. She needs to get laid.

After class Leo took my hand dragged me out of the room.

"Already pissing off teachers?" he whispered harshly.

"She started it,"


"Sorry, I'll be nice,"

Leo smiled and kissed me. "Let's go,"

I wrapped my arms around him and headed towards the buses.

Chelsea, Logan, Tyler, Blake, Markus, Melody, Leo and I were already for the pool party today.

People started to pill in and I turned on the music.

I was the DJ for this party and Leo was my happy helper.

"Hey," Mitch said as Leo and I were dancing.

"Hey," I said.

"Have you seen Blake?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah, he's in the water,"

"Thanks," Mitch smiled and walked over to him.

Leo and continued to dance to Telephone by Lady Gaga.

"What's up?" Tyler asked lifting me up.

"Put me down!" I screamed as I kicked my feet.

"Make way for the freshman!" he said and dangled me over the pool.

"If you let my go you'll wake up tomorrow morning with no balls,"

Tyler smirked. "I think you mean I'll wake up next to you, if you catch my drift,"

"Ew! Get away from me,"

"Okay," he said dropping me into the water.

Once I resurfaced I glared at him climbed out of the pool.

"Thanks for helping me," I said walking passed Blake and Leo.

"You're welcome," they said walking away.

I pulled off my wet clothes leaving me in my bikini.

"Damn, girl," Leo said wrapping his arms around me. "You look hot,"

"Thanks babe," I said sarcastically. "I got to change the song," I said walking back to my post.

Once the song changed everyone started dancing.

I saw Mitch and Blake hanging out in the pool talk.

"They are so cute together," I said as Leo wrapped his arms around me.

"Who? Blake and Mitch?"


"We're cuter,"

I smiled and kissed him.

Leo and I started to dance again.

As I danced I saw Tyler and his girl toy making out on the lawn chairs.

I ignored them and changed the songs and started to dance again.

"Okay, you kids have fun. I'll take over," Markus said.

"Thanks," I said hugging him to piss off Melody.

She glared at me and I winked at her.

Leo and I jumped in the pool and swam over to the boys.


The party was coming to an end and people started to leave.

Leo kissed me good night and left.

Blake and Marcus stuck around to help clean up.

Tyler, Marcus, and I cleaned out side while Chelsea, Blake and Mitch clean inside.

"Get off your ass and help," I snapped at Tyler.

"I am helping,"


"I can't clean and be tired at the same time,"

I pushed him off the chair and he stood up.

"Rude much?"

"Yes," I said smiled and picked up the trash.

Finally we were done.

"Nice job, kid," Tyler said smacking my butt.

Hell no!

"Don't touch me,"

"What are you going to do about it?" he asked grabbing my ass.

*Blake's Point Of View*

"My mom is here," Mitch said.

Damn it.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Yeah," he said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

As I walked him to the door I felt him looking at me.

"Bye," I smiled.

"Later," he said.

Then we both leaned in and our lips met. They moved as one and fireworks went off.

I slowly brought my hands to his waist and his went to my chin.

Mitch pulled away and blushed. "I should go," and with that he was out the door.

Ryan was right, I thought as Tyler yelled in pain.

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