Chapter -37

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Anna's POV

I had a dream today. It felt so real like it will really happen.

I can't say it already happened or that it is happening right now because in this dream I saw my future. A future that I never realized that I had.

I heard Kate's argument and Xavier's rubbish talk all that was running through my mind was this dream.

I need to tell someone about this, I need someone to keep this dream safe with themselves. I may forget about this dream so I want a reminder.

I wanted to tell Xavier about this but then I changed my mind. I asked Kate in.

"Thank God you are safe otherwise I would have killed him." Kate said as she came near my bed.

"It's not his fault." I said as she hugged me. "He clearly instructed me to not come in there." I told her.

"And you followed it." Kate said sarcastically.

"If I didn't intervene then he would not be with us today." I told her to make her see my situation.

"Yeah, yeah. You are always right... Are you really fine?" She looked very concerned.

I thought it was a good idea that she didn't know. But when I thought about her being in my situation. I would be really hurt too. I would wish to know about her well-being too.

I get where she is coming from. Someone should have told her sooner.

"I have something to tell you," I said.

"What?!!! Are you pregnant?" She said jokingly. But it still gave me a mini heart attack.

How could she joke something like that? But she is Kate she can do everything out of line.

"Shut up. I want to tell you about my dream." I said.

"Oh!!! That's why you send them away." Kate said looking deep in thought 🤔🤔🤔

I looked at her confused.

"Oh... Don't you get it? It must be those hot wet dreams. Where you felt every inch of Xavier's body against yours. That's why you let me in only because it is not something you can tell them. Right?" Kate said it like she solved a life problem.

Why do I have her as my best friend? I doubt myself sometimes.

"How... How can you find the weirdest and most vulgar things to say? Do you know you are the only museum piece in my life?" I said laughing and shaking my head at her stupid conclusion.

"What? Why would you say something like that? It is not vulgar it is the rule of nature. It's not like I am saying something out of this world. You and I, my friend, came on this world through this same weird and vulgar thing." She said it like some priest.

She has no shame.

"I know exactly what you are thinking that I have no shame but my love what can do with having shame? Ask David how he loves me being shameless." She said it proudly.

"Okay, okay. Now shut up and listen to me. I had this dream and I think that I will need your help in it." I said.

I knew she felt the seriousness of the topic.

"Okay, so what it is..." She said.

It's evening, I and Kate are tired as hell. We have been working on something related to that dream of mine.

It was the right thing to ask for her help instead of Xavier's. It was something she is very good at.

We have been researching and trying to find different aspects. I asked David for some help. We needed some magazines.

Xavier is not healed so I asked David. I knew Xavier would be very anxious about what is going on but I don't want to tell him because he will do everything to make it easy for me but I don't want that.

I want to achieve this first step on my own. I want to show everyone that I am capable of fulfilling my dreams.

"Okay, I will be here by 8 in the morning. School has given us pre-exam leaves for preparation. So school attendance won't be a problem." Kate said. It was time for her to go. David was waiting outside.

"We have to complete this first step within a week so we can prepare for our finals." I replied.

"Yeah, I can bet we will finish it by then." Kate said and she left after hugging me.


It was past midnight and I was still not able to sleep. I thought about it and called him.

If he picked up then I will ask him to come to me and if he won't then will not disturb him again.

I promised myself and waited to answer my call. I was about to cut the call when I heard his voice.

"Hello, Anna?" He said and an instant relief went through my body.

"Hi" I replied.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Are you scared? Is there someone in your room? Do you want me to come? I am coming baby, wait a second." He asked so much in less than 5 seconds. My head started to spin.

"Wait! wait! wait!... Calm down. Nothing happened to me. I just couldn't sleep. That's it. Why are you behaving like this?" I told him.

"Oh!!!" He went quiet. "What should I do to help you?" He asked.

"I don't know...maybe sing me to sleep." I said. It was a joke. I knew he can not sing.

"What???" Hehehe...but his reaction was worth it. "You can't be serious. Right?" He asked in shock.

"Why? Can't you even do that for me? You said you wanted to help me. I called you just because thought you would do anything for me." I said faking being hurt.

I was laughing from the inside.

"I was not...but I can't..." His situation was so funny. Poor him.

I was about to tell him that I was kidding when I heard him............singing.

He is actually singing. That too, my favorite song "Thousand Years".

He was not a bad singer. I could tell that he was damn embarrassed and uncomfortable while singing.

But it really helped me because I didn't remember when I fall asleep until Kate woke me up the next day in the morning.

"Why the hell is Xavier singing while you are asleep? And why is he even singing? Did he finally go crazy?" Kate asked me as soon as I opened my eyes.

What??? Did he not sleep last night? Xavier why are you so idiotically cute. ❤❤❤


Hello sweeties.

It's the 2nd last chapter of the story....

The last chapter will be out soon too.

See you guys soon.

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