All About Perspective

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Shane's POV

I scowled at the ground while trying to listen to Kiara but my brain was filled with anger. This was a lot of information to take in. Actually, it wasn't a lot but it's a heavy load. How can someone just do that to a person? Completely violate them.
"Shane?" Kiaras voice pulled be out of my thoughts. "Shane?"
"Sorry," I looked up into her green eyes. "I was lost in my thoughts." I sighed and leaned back against the bench. "How can someone do something like that?"
"I honestly don't know. It's awful to think about and I'm not sure how to help her through this. She's been in little space since it happened. I know it's her way of protecting herself but I'm not sure what to do. I mean she can't stay in little space forever." Kiara had a look of concern in her eyes.
"The best thing we can do at this point is to let her come to us when she is ready. If we push the conversation it could cause her even more pain." I watched as Nyko slid down a slide then ran back up the stairs to do it again.
"Shay, I'm not so sure I know how to do this."
"What do you mean my love?" I intertwined our fingers and she looked down at them.
"This relationship again and being a Mommy." She closed her eyes. I sat there for a few seconds unsure of what to say. "I want to be with you, being with you made me really happy. But I also want to be with Nyko. I want to be a Mommy to her."
"The thing is, with me being here, you wouldn't have to be Mommy and girlfriend 24/7. You don't have to be mommy all of the time because I can help. You saw how she got earlier when she saw me."
"Really?" Kiara opened her eyes and looked at me. I nodded my head and grinned. Kiara seemed happy with the idea but almost as if she was hesitant on actually letting me be a part of Nyko's life. And hers.

    "I don't understand what to problem is Kiara. I didn't know anything was going to happen." I grabbed her arm trying to stop her from leaving. She yanked her arm out of my grasp and looked at me with tears in her eyes.
    "Get out." The words were like poison to my ears. "We're through!" Again, it hurt to listen to those words. Words I never thought I would hear from her mouth. My stomach churned, I felt like puking. "What do you not understand about get out?" Kiara shoved me to the door and yanked it open. She stood there while I just stared out into the hallway.
    "I'm sorry." I walked out the door and heard it slam shut behind me.

    "I know I hurt you Kiara. I know things can't just go back to normal and how they used to be. I'm sorry I hurt you and I won't do it again. I'll be here for you both." My voice was weak but I knew I meant it.
    "I know Shane. I know. I'm just a bit hesitant because I've only known Nyko for a couple days and while she's been with me something terrible has already happened to her. I'm not so her I'm cut out to be a good caregiver." She rested her head on her hands while watching Nyko on the playground. "We should probably go. It's getting late. We still need to eat dinner and she needs a bath after." Kiara stood up from the bench and made her way to the mulch area. "Nyko, sweetie it's time to go!"
    Nyko jumped off of the swing she was on and ran up to Kiara then hugged her. Nyko fidgeted the whole time Kiara was trying to buckle her which caused Kiara to get angry.
    "Nyko stop. We need to go home." Kiara snapped.
    "No! I no wan go home!" Nyko crossed her arms and shook her head.
    "Why don't you want to go home Sweetie?" I looked back at the two struggling.
    "I wan stay at park." Her pouty face was possibly the most adorable thing in the world. Her bottom lip stuck out and her eyes got very big.
    "Baby, we can't stay at the park all night. It will get dark soon and we won't be able to see or play." Kiara sighed and rubbed her temples. "We need to get some food and then it will be bath time."
    "Baf time?!" Nyko shrieked and immediately unblocked the buckle. Kiara quickly buckled her in before she could change her mind.
    "Yes baby, bath time." Kiara practically threw herself in the passenger seat.
    By time we got back to Kiara's apartment everyone's stomach was growling and we were all ready for food. Especially Nyko. She was so excited on the way home that she forgot to leave us some silence. A fifteen minute car ride with nothing but Nyko babbling about bath time and dinner and how she wanted chicken nuggets.
    "Chiten nuggies!" Nyko shrieked and ran around the couch jumping up and down. "Chiten nuggies!"
    "Nyko, I know you're excited about chicken nuggets but we don't have any. We only have chicken tenders." Kiara kneeled in front of Nyko and rubbed her arms.
    "Chiten temers!" Nyko shrieked and started running around again.
    "Okay baby, how about you go play in your room?" Kiara walked to the kitchen after Nyko agreed and ran to her room.
    "Looks like we are having 'chiten temers' for dinner." I laughed and sat on the counter.
    "Yeah, she's pretty cute huh?" Kiara looked back at the living room and down the hall as if she could see Nyko.
    "She'll be okay alone in there babe." Kiara turned her head quickly towards me and frowned. "Sorry."
    "It's okay. I just can't put myself fully into this relationship right now because of what happened. Little steps." Kiara gave me her gummy smile which caused me to smile. "Also, we aren't having chicken tenders. We are having popcorn shrimp." Kiara set the bags on the counter and turned the deep fryer on.
    "So, I know you said little steps but," I walked up behind Kiara and put my hands on her sides and rested my chin on her shoulder. "I haven't kissed you in two weeks and I really want to." I heard Kiara laughed a little before she turned around to face me.
    "Oh yeah?" She had a big grin on her face. "Well what are you waiting for?" I laughed then leaned in and kissed her. As soon as my lips made contact with hers Nyko came running into the kitchen so I turned to look at her.
    "Mommy's are tissin!" Nyko quickly covered her eyes. She had found one of my old stuffed animals and was holding it in her hand.
    "Yes, mommy's are kissing. But it's okay. A lot of people do it. You don't have to cover you eyes." Kiara chuckled and freed herself between me and the counter.
    "But I was told to no ook when people are tissin." Nyko uncovered her eyes and smiled. "I es'cited for chiten temers." She hopped around the kitchen before Kiara stopped her and picked her up.
    "Baby, you can't be running and hopping around the kitchen. It's not safe. you could slip and fall and hurt yourself.
    "Otay mommy. Tan I has chiten temers now?"

Author's Note:
So I found this in my drafts on my IPad??? A whole written chapter that's been written since last Wednesday and I didn't even know! I'm losing my mind. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

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