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Sighing, Kind stepped out of the car, automatically feeling stares and hearing people whisper.

Their were people here, but not as much seeing as though Kind never let Ryan have any friends. Just their main friend group.

Slowly walking up the outside stairs of the church, Kentrell & the rest of the gang following behind her.

She eventually made it to the open doors of the church, walking threw them feeling the air get heavy.

Kind slowly looked around, her eyes immediately landing on her friends, who stood near the second row of benches.

When they saw her they instantly walked to her and hugged her.

"I know Kind. It'll get better." Caleb hugged her tightly.

"He's in a better place now." Vario said, looking at Kind with sympathy.

She didn't want sympathy though. She wanted Ryan back. She wanted everything to be a dream or a joke, she was hoping he'd jump out and say "sike".

But she knew that wasn't gone happen. She knew the last time she'll see her best friend is in a casket, cold. She knew her last memory with him would be him getting shot by his mom, and dying right infront of her.

She knew it'll be nothing but a nightmare that'll hunt her as long as she lives.

"C'mon Kind, the service is about to start." Kentrell said, glancing around hoping to not see Mrs. Lee in sight. He knew Kind would act out, and that was something he was trying to prevent.

Everyone soon took their seats, The main family like Kind and Ryan's uncle and sister were sitting at the front benches near the casket.

During the service the doors to the church opened, chains clicked to the ground and murmurs were heard threwout the room.

Without even looking behind him, Kentrell held onto Kinds hand, as she turned around, seeing the last person she wanted to see right now.

"The fu- heck is she doing here?" Kind whispered to Kentrell, watching as Mrs. Lee sat down.

"Calm down." Kentrell mumbled to his daughter, who looked bout pissed as fuck.

"I am calm." Kind turned back to the front and forced herself to stay calm. She didn't wanna act out inna church, especially at her best friends funeral. "Ima Chill. Let ha' say sumin' outta pocket and she gone be regretting she eva' came."

And with that the service went on until the pastor called every row to view the body.

Kind looked down at her best friend, confused.

She looked up at Kentrell, "Who is this?" She questioned, quickly glancing at the body in the casket then back up at Kentrell.

"Ryan. It's his funeral, remember." He said carefully. Only because sometimes reality wasn't reality to her and she'd think Ryan was still alive.

"I know what my best friend look like, and this ain't him." Kind told him, almost positive this wasn't him. "His features... they don't add up to Ryan's. Th- This-

"Kind, lets take a seat." KD looked at her, concerned. He helped her sit down, as everyone viewed the body.

Some men in all black caught her attention, they were all wearing shades, and they viewed the body before all looking at eachother as to confirm that Ryan is dead.

Kind watched them leave after that, leaving her confused.

Finally it was Mrs. Lee's turn and when she went up to the body and poked it.

"Dead as hell. Just like his father should be." She mumbled but kind heard her clear as day.

Lord forgive me, Kind thought.

"Bitch don't get slapped." Kind chuckled, and Mrs. Lee looked at her. "Don't think Cause we inna church that I won't whoop that ass. You lucky I'm even tolerating yo presence right now. Take a good look at his body and walk yo ass right back to where the fuck you sat." Kind snapped, calmly.

"Holy Jesus." The pastor whispered, writing a cross over his chest.

Mrs. Lee looked at her shocked, but did what she said.

And the service went on.


After the funeral, everyone went to the repass except for Kind. She went to Ryan's house because his uncle said she could grab what she wanted of his.

"Hey." Ryan's uncle, Ricky said pulling her into a hug. "How ya holding up?" Ricky asked.

"Hanging in there." She said, stepping inside the house, looking at the spot where Ryan was. She held her breathe as the the memories came back to her inna flash.

"I know. It's hard coming back to a place where he.. ya know." Ricky mumbled, sighing.

Kind wiped her tears away, and looked at him. "Thank you for letting me take some things."

Ricky chuckled, leading her to Ryan's room even though she already knew where it was at. "No problem. It's not gonna do anything but collect dust anyway."

When he opened the room door, the memories came flooding in. And a wave of sadness hit her hard.

"I'll give you a moment." Ricky walked away.

As soon as she heard the door shut she broke down, sobbing and crying as she looked at pictures of them on the wall.

"What the fuck god." She cried, looking around. "Why him?"

As long as she cried, she knew he wouldn't come back. That he was gone.

She always told herself to not get attached because god lets you borrow people, and as soon as he takes them away it's painful.

She wiped her tears and sighed, thinking about life.

She's been threw so much shit.

Kidnapped 3 times, lied too multiple times, molested, abused, and the person she went to for all this is now dead.

She knew it'll eventually get better.

But when?

To her.. life was supposed to get better when she was found.


A/N: I swear I never finished a book, so I didn't know how to end it.

—Thanks for reading and getting me to 8k votes. This book was hanging on by a thread, but I finally finished it!! My first completed book!👏🏽

—I know y'all prolly mad at how I ended it but it'll be a sequel if y'all want one. I'm hella bold for cutting off a main character, but idgaf.😭

—I'm so grateful for all the support I got on this book.💕🥺Y'all comments kept me motivated to update even though I was struggling.😂 I'm very shocked Ian unpublished this like I usually do books😭🌚

—ALSO THIS IS IMPORTANT! Should I post book 2 in this book, or should I create a whole new one? Y'all know what I'm tryna say?

— I don't know what else to say other then thanking y'all for baring with me while I made slow updates.❤️❤️ And for just reading and voting in general.👸🏾

— Y'all can also check out my other 2 books, "Love Cycle" is a polyamory book meaning they're in a 3 way relationship with yb friends. "My Slime," is basically a yb story of the main character going threw shit with her family and other stuff..

—Y'all prolly only went to the second paragraph of this rant but it's okay. I'm hella grateful, love y'all and thanks for the support once again❤️❤️❤️


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