33. RAGE

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Annabeth's POV

Shots are being fired continuously for the last fifteen minutes. I am locked inside the bathroom as the five female guards right outside the door. I hear the door of the room being slammed open and the shots are now louder than earlier. My legs are shaking and I unconsciously clutch to my stomach.

Suddenly there are no more shots to be heard just heavy footsteps. The handle on the door jiggles but it does not open as I've locked it from the inside. I quickly throw the bottle of shampoo on the mirror and pick up the biggest shard for my defense. The huge bangs on the door tell me that it is being kicked and within seconds the door falls on the floor after being broken by the hinges.

My entire body freezes when I see who it is. Damon. Then the words that he said yesterday come back to me.

'I am coming to get you'

The glass falls on the floor as he quickly comes towards me. I am still frozen on my spot when he hugs me tightly mumbling something in-ears that I don't even bother listening to.

"I've finally found you," he says.

He breaks the hug and cups my face. His lips are on mine and I don't even feel anything, his lips are numb against mine. I take a step back breaking his numbing kiss. He gives me a little frown but soon recovers.

"Let's go" he orders and takes my wrist before dragging me out of there.

As we are leaving the bathroom, I cannot help but look into the camera in the corner of the bathroom. The only color that I see once we are into the hallways of the large mansion is red. The floor is painted with the blood of all the guards and servants.

Then it dawns upon me that I did it.

I am the reason why so many people died today. It was my selfishness.

My feet freeze on the spot making Damon look at me. I notice the blood splattered all over his clothes.

"No" I whisper.

At this point even I don't know why I said that, but the only thing on my mind is that I cannot go with him otherwise he may do the same thing to my child. The most important thing in my life is the innocent child growing inside of me. Tristian may harm the child but as long as I behave and don't disobey him, he won't do anything. But Damon will surely kill my child.

Oh God, no!

"What?!" Damon yells at me.

"Let me go" I say trying to break out of his death grip.

"Shut the fuck up and come with me!" he screams before dragging me towards the entrance.

I hit his hand and drop on my knees to make him but it only ends in him throwing me over his shoulder. Once outside he throws me inside the backseat of an SUV. He closes the door of the car once he is inside and I kick and scream at him.

"NO! LET ME GO!" I scream as tears burn my eyes.

Suddenly my head whips in the other direction and I could taste the metallic taste if my blood. He slapped me, hard.

I whimper when I see him holding a syringe with a transparent liquid in it. He grabs my hand and inserts the needle in me, emptying the liquid. Soon I find my head becoming heavy. Before the darkness consumes me the last thing, I hear is...

"Finally, you are mine, piccolo fiore (little flower)"

I am leaving one monster and going to another.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Tristian's POV

Rage is too small to explain how I am feeling right looking at the footage of what conspired in my house back in New York just an hour ago.

I watch as that pathetic piece of shit takes my Annabeth away from me.

I watch as her teary eyes lock mine in the camera. I watch it again and again.

I watch as she screams and thrashes around and that son of a bitch drags her out of there.

I watch her fall on her knees being dragged like a slave.

My body is shaking with so much rage as I sit in my jet taking me back to where my sweet Annabeth is. The glass of whisky breaks in my hands due to my tight grip. Blood falls on the carpet yet I don't feel a thing, at least not on my hand.

There is ache in my chest as I watch the video over and over again for the millionth time. My chest is becoming hollow. I crave my Anna and surprisingly I crave the unborn child inside of her. Damon did the worst mistake of his life by even thinking of taking my life away from me. I will make sure to torture him until his dying breath.

"We will reach soon" Jacob says and I don't even bother looking up.

The attack on Spain was for nothing but distracting me so that this motherfucker could take my Anna with him. I should've been more careful; how can I leave her alone. This is not my love for her, I should've brought her with me, cuffed her to my hand so that she wouldn't be out of my sight even for a single second.

I need to be punished for what I've done. Anna is not here to punish me so I will punish myself.

With that in mind I get up and walk towards the bar on the jet. Everyone around me scatters away feeling my rage. I pick up a large bottle of whisky and break it into half. I take the upper part and stab my shoulder with it. Blood coats my shite shit and I keep on inserting it further into my skin.

"Tristian stop!" I hear Jacob yelling and taking the glass away from me.

"How dare you stop me?!" I scream making him flinch a little.

"You can kill me if you want but first let me take care of the wound" he says.

I don't reply to him just look outside the window seeing the clouds pass by. Their beauty is nothing compared to Anna's. Jacob comes with a first aid box and start working on my wound.

Just wait a little longer for me my Anna, I will come soon to get you and make sure to make every single person who hurt you regret ever being born. They are all about to feel the rage of the devil.

I swear I will raise hell on this earth.





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