chapter 13

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Helen's pov

I woke up to someone shouting and screaming when I tried to sit I noticed that Roger and Charlie were screaming at each other Roger was about to punch Charlie in the face when the hospital staff walked in and pulled them away from each other but still they were abusing each other after sometime they left leaving me behind suprised when the doctor came to visit me he told me that I could leave by evening since no one was there with me I decided to leave by myself my hospital bills were already paid by Roger it was really confusing but I ignored it I would pay him when I got home I left my hand was still hurting I wanted to call Shasha but my phone was missing so I decided go home by myself so I halted a cab and went home when I reached I opened the door with the key that I had hid under the door mat " I need to change the place of the keys it's too easy to find" I said to myself I walked towards my bedroom and opened my closet to get my clothes I stepped in the shower just making sure that I don't  hurt my hand after changing my clothes I dump my old clothes in a laundry basket I just wished life would be so beautiful only if I had a boyfriend " selfish" my mind answers back to me maybe I was but there's no harm " yeah with an attitude like this don't think you will ever find someone" I thought and smiled it was true I was always so busy and engrossed in my own self that I didn't notice anyone back on school I knew Bryan liked me but then Shasha had a crush on him so I never bothered them sometimes I really got jealous when they both would get passionately involved Infront of me but then i blamed myself for it but the good thing was that they are happy with each other and here I'm so alone " orphan" my mind reminded me  " ya true that's what he said " I said after watching TV it was time to feed myself so instead of cooking some healthy meal I decided to order pizza and I did after fifteen minutes there was someone knocking on my door actually banging I opened the door to my surprise it wasn't the pizza guy it was Roger he walked in as if the place belonged to him and made himself comfortable on the couch he looked around with a disgusted look on his face " are you always so impatient that you want to leave alone you should have waited " he said I looked at him confused " if you would have then you wouldn't have met with an accident" he said " oh " I said as I sat away from him keeping distance he walked towards the kitchen and then the door bell rang again this time it was the pizza guy I took the pizza and asked him to wait as I went to collect the cash but when o went back I saw Roger paying him to my surprise the guy had walked in the living area "don't pay I have exact change" I said but Roger didn't listen and shoved him out of the house " here take this " I said handing Roger the cash he just looked at me and went and sat on the couch again with a frown I was standing there like an idiot with the money in my hand " why are you here" I asked as I sat and opened the box  he didn't answer as a courtesy I offered him some and he looked at me with disgust after eating couple of slices I was full and Roger watched me like a creep " when are you leaving " I asked as I started yawning just like always he didn't reply and that moment my doorbell rang " I was better in the hospital " I thought Roger didn't move at all he did was sit and stare at me I opened the door and Charlie walked in " can't you wait in the hospital I would have picked you " he said loudly but when he saw Roger he looked at me and asked " what is he doing here" .

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