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Bianca led the way into a large bedroom, a canopied bed occupying the center of the chamber. The college students dumped Evelyn on the floor and withdrew to stand on either side of the door, hands behind their backs, staring straight ahead. Will stood docilely by Bianca's side, her arm through his, looking quite the odd couple since she was taller than him.

There was no one to help Evelyn beat Bianca. She was on her own.

Carefully, Bianca set Cynthia the doll on the bed, Will waiting patiently as she released his arm and crossed to the bedside table, striking a match and lighting a candle. She watched in satisfaction as the flame leapt into the air, dancing on its wick.

"Such a marvelous thing, fire," she said. "So small, so beautiful, yet capable of such destruction! And to think, tonight is the last time I shall feel its power in this life."

Evelyn could have sworn she almost sounded regretful there, for a moment.

"No matter," Bianca continued, turning away from the candle. "Now, all I have to do is ready Cynthia and I may die in peace."

Evelyn started to her feet, fists clenched, adrenaline racing through her. There was no way she was going down without a fight. She was fairly certain she could take Bianca on and win. They were about the same build, Evelyn with a slightly less slender frame and Bianca was significantly taller. But no holds barred, Evelyn felt confident in her chances.

Bianca lifted an eyebrow at her. "Cynthia, you can't fight me here. You can't win. This is my world. Every single thing is under my control, including you. And soon, you will breathe new life into Cynthia so that she will not leave me when the flames set on my skin." She picked up the doll, looking at it tenderly. "I have been looking forward to this day ever since 1899, when I burned alone. And at last, it is here. I shall die with the two people I loved most, the two people who betrayed me."

Lifting one hand, Bianca pointed a long finger at Evelyn. "Accept your new body, Cynthia, and leave your old one behind to die."

Evelyn felt a tugging within her as Bianca stepped toward her with the doll. It was like someone had tied a string to a point at the top of her ribcage and was yanking on it. She began to shake as she attempted to keep her feet, her entire body trembling from the tension.

No! Must...not...give...in...Will...is...counting...on...me.

"There is no point resisting," Bianca intoned, taking another step. "You are Cynthia now. You've always been Cynthia – you've just been trapped within your mortal body and unable to know what it truly means to be Cynthia. Cynthia will never die. You must join Cynthia, become Cynthia. There is no other way. There has never been any other way."

Evelyn felt a great urge come over her to just take the final step forward, to merge into the doll and leave her body behind. I wonder what it's like to be Cynthia. Her eyes were frozen to the face of the doll, the doll that was about to hold her mind and soul for the rest of eternity.


Evelyn tore her eyes away and fixed them on Will's face, forcing him to be the only thing she thought about. For him. I have to do this for him. Otherwise we're both lost.

Will. I do this for Will. I have to save him, have to save myself to do so.

She forced herself to keep Will foremost in her mind, the sound of his laugh and his wonderful smile the only things she focused on. She played the intonation and pitch of his voice through her head, thought about the way his hair flopped when he threw his head back or the way it stuck to his forehead when wet. She thought about running with him, thought about that morning.

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