The Time's Torture

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Wilbur Soot had texted George at six in the morning, asking for his help. Wilbur: Hello, George. I do apologize that this text finds you so early in the morning, but I would like to ask a favour. Are you busy today? George: It's no problem, I woke up early anyway but no I don't have any plans as far as I know George was curious as to what the favor was. He thought it might have been an invitation to something at first but from how semi-serious Wilbur's tone was, he knew that wasn't the case. Wilbur: Are you good with kids? George: I'm not horrible I guess Why? Wilbur: Would you be able to watch over Tommy? I know he can be a handful but my family and I have found ourselves in a sort of emergency and all the adults are needed. George: Is everything ok? Also yes, I reckon can watch Tommy Wilbur: I'm going to be honest, I'm quite unsure There's a lot going on right now, I've taken a work leave and Techno's even closed his store for the rest of the week We all just hope everything will be fine Thank you for your concern, we appreciate it George: No problem I hope everything turns out ok, whatever it is but anyway, would you like to bring Tommy here? or should I go to yours? Wilbur: Is it alright if you come to ours? He's easier to take care of when he's entertained and out of your hair All of the stuff he has to entertain him is here George: Yeah sounds good I can be there in an hour? Wilbur: That works out Thank you again, we definitely owe you one. George plugged his phone in while he went to the kitchen to make himself a bowl of cereal (as it was the fastest to make and eat). After that he rushed to wash his face and change out of his pajamas. Finishing faster than he expected, he asked Wilbur if he could come earlier than he had planned. Wilbur said it was actually convenient, since he, Niki, and Techno were leaving soon. It took a couple turns and attempts to find their house in the neighborhood, but after George spotted the number painted on the curbside, he parked on the side of the road before locking his car and knocking at the door. The house was decorated beautifully on the outside, with the roof lined in hanging flowers, a white archway on the path to the door, and wind chimes that sang together as the last of the warm summer wind blew on them. The door in front of him opened, revealing Niki. "George!" She gave him a hug, surprising him but he found himself hugging back, "I'm sorry this was so last minute." George dropped his keys on accident, and he leaned down to pick them up before looking to Niki again, "No, no. You've been great company to me lately and this is something I feel like I owe you." "Oh don't be silly," Niki smiled, "you don't owe us anything for friendship." Wilbur walked up behind her, carrying a small backpack of things. His eyes looked dreadful. They were baggy and dark, and the amount of hours he had slept the previous night could be determined by his face alone. "George, good to see you." He greeted, patting him on the shoulder, "Thank you for coming by so early. Tommy is up in his bedroom right now, still asleep. He wakes up in around ten minutes." Wilbur gave Niki the backpack to load into the car, where Techno was already sitting at the steering wheel waiting for them. Wilbur led George inside, showing him where everything was kept and also where he had put Tommy's meals (which were pre-prepared for George's convenience). He urged him to not hesitate to call if there was an emergency, and that he could eat whatever he wanted from their kitchen if he should ever get hungry. "That should be it," Wilbur told him as he led George into the living room, "the TV and computer is all yours to use too. The TV has a password lock on Youtube since we found out he was finding content he shouldn't have been watching. It's written on the back of the cable box." George was amused, wondering what in the world Tommy had found on Youtube that caused his family to restrict him from it permanently. "Thank you, Wilbur. I think I can manage. When's his bedtime? Does he ever nap?" Wilbur's eyes widened as he shook his head, "We can never get him to nap, so we just make him sleep early. Hopefully we'll be back before he has to sleep for the night, though." "Sounds good," George took note, "I hope wherever you guys are heading off to is well for you, and that everything turns out fine." Wilbur was getting teary-eyed, managing to grin, he said, "We hope so too. I'll be off now, make sure to double lock the doors." George nodded in understanding, and after Wilbur had walked out, he had locked both locks on the door. He heard footsteps coming from the stairs and found Tommy, rubbing his eyes with his nubby hands and spotting George. "Mum and Dad left already?" "Yes," George told him, "you just missed them, but they said goodbye while you slept." Tommy nodded, "Can I play computer?" He asked hopefully, but George had to sadly say no. "Your dad said you could after breakfast, but only for an hour." "He lets me after I finish my worksheets too." Tommy let him know, and George nodded with a smile. "He did mention that, yes." George then went to the kitchen to get him his breakfast, "What do you want to eat?" Tommy made a thinking face, "I want to mix every cereal we have in the kitchen. Dad never lets me do that, but if you let me I won't tell him." Tommy said cheerfully, hoping he'd get his way. George contemplated it for a second before deciding it would be best to get on the kid's good side, in case it might help later if he got fussy, "Okay." "Except the one with raisins." Tommy made a disgusted face, "That's mom's cereal and it sucks."George chuckled, "I'll make sure to skip that box, then." Tommy had sat down finishing his last few bites of franken-cereal before running up to his room, "Want to come? I can show you my cool house in Minecraft!" George followed after him, nearly slipping on the stairs because of his socks. Tommy led him into a bedroom, where the door had a sign that read "Boys only (Except for mum). George laughed before going inside the boy's room. He had many figurines and posters of various things he enjoyed. There were lots of Zelda posters, Animal Crossing amiibos, and every Minecraft mob figurine sitting on a little shelf above his bed. "Wow you have every mob," George told him, impressed, "I don't see a ghast though." Tommy furrowed his brow, "I do have a ghast. Look." Tommy flicked off the lights in his room and pressed a button on a small remote, illuminating a lantern above his bed. The lantern was a Ghast, and George had to admit it was quite awesome. Tommy turned on the lights again before booting up his computer. "Someone bought me a new computer. I don't know who it was but Uncle Techno delivered it." George remembered Techno mentioning he would have liked to get Tommy a new computer after he spilled Coke on his old one, "Maybe Uncle Techno got it." "No," Tommy shook his head, "he wouldn't." Tommy and George had played Minecraft, and Tommy had even taught George how to call Tubbo so he could play with them. They argued a lot but George could tell they were best friends, and no amount of conflict could be unresolved between them. Tubbo had to go because his parents told him he had to finish his math practice, which reminded George of Tommy's computer limit. "You have 5 more minutes." He reminded the boy, who surprisingly nodded in agreement. "Do you know where my Mum and Dad went?" Tommy asked. George shook his head sadly, "No." "Oh." Tommy said, "I do. They went to the doctors." "Oh no," George said, concerned, "is everyone alright?" "Can I tell you a secret?" Tommy asked, pausing his game and turning around to face George. "Sure, kid." "I get up at night to play computer when I'm supposed to be sleeping. I lock my door and Mum and Dad never see me." George laughed, "Better not get caught doing that." "Don't worry I don't." The boy said confidently, "Anyway I was playing Minecraft in the night when I heard everyone going crazy outside. I thought people came, maybe my Aunt Alyssa had come to visit us. I do like Aunt Alyssa. I peeked outside my room and saw my Dad running downstairs and when I looked out the window he was driving away." George didn't want to be nosy and use the boy to get knowledge from, but curiosity got the best of him, "Where did he go?" "I think the doctors. But I tip-toed outside and mum was on the couch sad and Dad and Grandpa were not there." Tommy said before turning off his computer, "Do I have to do my worksheets now?" George thought about what the boy had told him before nodding his head, "Yes, then you can play again after." "Okay." He looked disappointed but made to finish his work anyway. He had helped Tommy sharpen his pencils when his phone had started ringing. It was Wilbur, "Hey, Wilbur." "Hello George." Wilbur greeted, "He being a good kid?" "Yes," he answered honestly, "he's doing his worksheets now." "Wow, it's hard for us to get him to do that. Good job." Wilbur laughed. "Is everything okay now?" "It is for now," Wilbur sounded relieved, "I mean that the situation has stabilized, but we're still unsure." "I'm glad it's fine for now." "Can I speak with Tommy?" Wilbur asked, and George said yes, handing Tommy the phone. He put down his pencil, "Hi Dad." "Hello Tommy. What did you have for breakfast?" Tommy's eyes widened as he looked to George, who had a smile on his face, "I had.. cereal, dad." "Really? What kind?" "T-the," Tommy stuttered, "the raisin ones." "Oh, but you hate that cereal." Wilbur said skeptically. "Sorry I can't talk, Dad. I'm doing work." He said before scrambling to hand the phone back to George. "Did he mix every cereal?" Wilbur asked George. "..Yes." George told him honestly, and Wilbur started laughing. "Don't worry, at least now he's done it and he won't ask again. I have to go for now, but I think we should be back in an hour or two. That's what it's looking like. I was just checking in." "Alright, bye Wilbur." George ended the call, "Tommy, your dad's gonna be back soon." "Okay." Tommy looked up from his paper, "Will Grandpa be back too?" "I don't know, he never mentioned if your Grandpa would. Sorry, kid." Tommy nodded his head slowly, "I like Grandpa. He shows me a lot of things." "Such as?" "He showed me how to kick-box, and he also showed me how to fight Uncle Techno." Tommy said proudly, flexing his little arms. "He seems like a very fun Grandpa." George said, highly amused by the young child in front of him striking hero poses. "He is," Tommy scribbled numbers onto his math worksheet, "he tells me stories too." "I heard he likes telling stories," George remembered Wilbur and Techno mentioning it, "what did he tell?" "I know they're fake, but Dad believes them. He said he had 'evidence'." Tommy did air quotes, "What does that word mean, George?" "It means proof." "What's the word 'proof' mean, then?" Tommy raised a brow. "Never mind." George smiled. "I'm done with my worksheets, but I'm hungry." Tommy stacked his papers and put them in a little folder, "Can I eat lunch early?" George didn't see a problem with that, "I suppose so, come on." They went down to the kitchen, and George heated up Tommy's lunch. He also found another box of the same meal, with "George, if you ever get hungry." written on a sticky note. He heated it up as well and they both ate together. "My dad plays music while we eat." Tommy gestured over to a shelf with a bluetooth speaker, records, and cassette tapes. "Can you play Bruno Mars?" George agreed, trying to connect his cellphone to the speaker, and after a few failed attempts managed to play Bruno Mars on it. Tommy was drumming his hands on the table in between bites, which George found amusing. He was some kid. "Has it been an hour yet?" "Not yet," George checked his phone for the time, "fifteen more minutes." "Time sucks. It goes so slowly." Tommy crossed his arms. George had never agreed with a six year old child more. "Do you miss your mum and dad that bad?" "No." Tommy answered, and George almost spit his food out laughing, "I mean I do miss them but I wanted to ask Dad for a new game when he's back, that's all." Tommy had finished eating, and George made to wash their spoons and throw out the food boxes. Tommy told George he would play Minecraft and call Tubbo again, and that George was allowed to watch TV in the living room if he wanted. George found the fact that Tommy bossed him around very amusing, he was a very outlandish child. He had decided to go upstairs with Tommy anyway, so when Wilbur and Niki came back he didn't look like he was careless and left Tommy by himself. A doorbell rang throughout the house, and Tommy told Tubbo he'd be back, before muting himself and running down to the door. He couldn't reach the second lock, so he gestured for George to hurry up and open it for him. Wilbur and Niki stood at the door, with Techno pulling out of the driveway. Niki gave Tommy a hug, "Did you have fun?" "Yes." Tommy told her, "I like George. He plays Minecraft." Niki looked at George proudly, "I'm glad you had fun Tommy." She sniffed the air in the house, "I assume you ate already then? That's good." "Yes I'm full, Mum," Tommy turned to his dad, "Where is Grandpa? Is he still in the car?" Wilbur knelt down beside his son, "Actually, Grandpa's going to be staying at the doctors for now, Tom.""Why? Did he forget to eat apples? Mum said they keep the doctor away." Niki gave a small smile toward her son, "No Tommy, he just has to be with the doctor for now, but you know him, he's strong. He'll be back home to play with you again soon." "Oh okay!" Tommy exclaimed, "If he's going to be back, then that's okay." He and his Mum walked toward his bedroom, as Niki wanted to check on the work he had done. Wilbur walked over to George, holding bills in his hand. George waved the money away, "No, no. Please, you don't have to pay me." Wilbur gave him the money anyway, "We owe it to you." George hesitantly took the money and pocketed it. "Is your father okay?" Wilbur let a breath of air out of his mouth, blowing the hair on the top of his head slightly, "We don't know. He's usually physically capable and healthy but this came out of nowhere. He said he always saw it coming, though. That time's running out." George was a little saddened that his father could say such a thing, "I can't promise anything, but I hope it passes and everything will be okay with him." "I know you do." Wilbur said quietly. "I should head home." George told him, "I want to try and get some work done early." Wilbur thanked him again for taking care of Tommy and waved him goodbye as he drove out.


"Who knew you'd be good with kids." Dream chuckled. It was night time and they had been on the phone together again. "What's that supposed to mean? I have a little sister, you know." "I know." Dream smiled, "Just didn't expect that, that's all." "Well I guess I expected it coming from you, Mr. I coach baseball for children." George mocked jokingly. Dream collapsed on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, "Kids are cool, I guess." "Some are, yeah." George responded, collapsing on his bed as well, "So what did you do today?" "I drove out to my mom's again, it's far but I drove back home anyway." "What did you do there?" George asked. "Helped her organize her books. She has so many, and she wants to sell them soon." Dream explained, turning to lay on his side.. George played with his fingernails, "That's a good way to make money." "Yeah." Dream agreed, "I missed you, George." "Again?" George asked, "It's been one day." "Yes well still, it's nice having someone to talk to after a long day." Dream admitted. George agreed, he did miss Dream as well. He wished he could hang out with him the way he hung out with Wilbur and his family, easily accessible. He wished there was a way for them to be closer, but their type of distance was different than the normal. "Dream," he exhaled, "I completely missed you too." Dream smiled, putting them in another round of silence. "Clay." He said after a while. "What?" "My name," Dream said, "it's Clay." George was surprised. He had forgotten he had never known Dream's real name. He had gotten so used to the nickname. "Can I still call you Dream?" Dream laughed, "Of course you can," he permitted, "I like the way you say it, anyways." George felt flattered, "Thank you, Dream." Dream closed his eyes, imagining a world in which time had given them a chance. Dream finally came to accept that through these calls, these talks, these little back and forths with George, he had fallen for him. It was subtle but there. Inevitably when he'd finally get the chance to meet George, it'd be too late. Time would already be running out. Dream knew how to accept his feelings. He never suppressed or denied anything he had felt before. Accepting his feelings for George had been easy, but accepting the fact that even if George reciprocate his feelings, it would never work out was the most difficult thing he had ever tried to do in his entire life. It was just, as people say, bad timing. He was angry at Time. He wanted to torture it as it had tortured him. He wanted to ask the universe why it had given him the best thing he had ever had just to take every chance of ever having it away from him. He had said goodnight to George, so he wouldn't have to hear the voice he had fallen in love with while his thoughts were filled with absolute and full ache. He wished one thing he wish he would never have to long for: The relief of his feelings for George to dissipate. George was confused at Dream's abrupt depart. He couldn't handle not hearing his voice anymore. They both lay in their own beds in their own time, in the same room of the same house, but so far away. All this while the wind blow the single stem blooming from George's backyard, mockingly. This flower could survive young and beautiful from 1970, but Time couldn't wait for Dream.

Flowers From 1970 - DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now