Chapter 15

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Six months later

"I told you before we got married I didn't want kids," I yell at Ameer. "We have to have a heir," he yells. "No we don't,"I yell. "Yes we do," he yells.

"No you knew I didn't want kids. You shouldn't of married me if you were gonna try to force me to have kids," I yell.

"One baby is all I am asking," he begs. I turn walking out of our bedroom slamming the door behind me. I stomp down the steps and out the back door.

I walk for a while wandering around the garden. I finally take a seat under a tree. I lay on my back my arms under my head.

I sit here staring up at the leaves on the tree. After a while Ameer sits next to me. "I'm sorry," he says. "I'm not willing to have a baby," I say without looking at him. I'm gonna go on birth control in case he tries to pop wholes in the condom.

"Okay," he says disappointed. "You know Ameer I told you I wouldn't have kids," I say "if you want a baby your gonna have to marry somebody else."

"I want you more than I do a baby," he says. I nod. He lays on his side next to me.

"I know you want kids Ameer and I am so sorry I can't give it to you but I just can't," I say. "Why can't you," he asks putting his arm over my stomach. I shove his arm away "I don't wanna talk about it." "Is it a medical reason," he asks not budging with his fat ass arm.

"No," I say trying to continue but he cuts me off. He sits up glaring at me "so you can have kids but you refuse to give me the one thing I want. You wouldn't even have to raise them."

I sit up quickly slapping him. "Don't you dare you have no clue my reasoning and if I had a kid I would raise so don't you dare try to manipulate me," I snap standing up.

"Fucking talk to me," he yells. "I can't Ameer you wouldn't understand," I say. "So make me understand," he says. "I can't," I mutter trying to retreat. He follows me. "Why," he asks grabbing my arm making me stop walking.

"Because you wouldn't understand you grew up here. I was raised to be an assassin," I try to explain but he cuts me off. "Again with this?" He asks.

"I love you Ameer but I can't argue with you anymore," say pushing him away. I storm into the house. I wanna leave but I moved out of my apartment. I moved here and I stopped working we never talked about it I kinda just stopped.

Maybe I should go back to work. Everything was good we were having a great time. Then his mom brought up kids.

"You've been married for six months when will I expect a pregnancy announcement," she asked at dinner. Like birch shut your ass up that ain't your fucking business.

Ameer just laughed. Like sir don't encourage the monster. I ignored him most the night after now we are here I shut the door behind me. See there is this stupid special little room just for me.

It's not little by any means but it's huge. I flop down on the couch sighing. The door opens and shuts. "For fucks sake Ameer," I start looking over. Ameers mom is staring at me. Ok baby what's the problem.

She raises an eyebrow and has a sit. "What's going on," she asks. "Nothing," I say brushing her off. "I didn't know you guys weren't planning for kids Ameer never told me," she says.

"I told him before we were married I wasn't having kids he just didn't listen," I say. "Can I ask why," she says.

"Assassin contract," I say. "What," she asks confused. "When I was thirteen the business had really died down so they made everyone who trained sign a form," I say.

"What to sell your uterus," she says with a shrug. "That there first born be trained or killed," I say dead serious. "What," she asks.

"Either my child takes my place as top assassin or I have to kill it," I say my eyes watering. Of course I wanted kids but I don't wanna force them like I was.

"Scarlett," she says "you were thirteen you couldn't of known this was real."

"I knew but I didn't care I had a family so why would I need to start my own except now I kinda don't," I say.

"You have me and Ameer," she says "you should tell him. I thinks you just don't wanna have kids." "He is gonna wanna have kids anyway. He will say what I was told. Your kid will be fine I was and so are you."

"Or maybe I'll say that you signed a dumbass contract when you were thirteen and I can Proably have it destroyed if it still exists," Ameer says. His mom stands dismissing her self.

"You can't Ameer I tried," I say. "There is a loop whole in every contract," he says. "Come with me," he says. I stand up following him to his office.  He sits at his desk getting on his computer. I just stand there staring at him. 

He leans back opening his arms for me to sit in his lap. I sit down leaning against him. He opens his email. He print out my the stupid contract.

I don't know or really care how he found it. He flips through the pages reading them. "Look right here," he says. I look where he is pointing.

"The child must be trained as a minor but not forced to finish there training after they turn 18," I read.

"So I have to train them till they are eighteen then it's there choice," I ask him. He nods kissing the side of my neck. I nod letting out a long sigh.

"Are you okay," he whispers against my neck. I nod. I don't like that I will have to force my kids to train till they are eighteen but at least they do t have to take place if they don't want to.

I guess that is how it was with Sergio and his son and that's why he trained me. "Is this the only reason you didn't want to have a baby," he asks.

I nod "but I don't think we are ready for a baby right now." He nods "a baby one day."  "I nod when we have been married for more than a year and don't wanna be so free."

"I can agree to this as long as you make me a dad," he says. "As long as you make me a mom?" I say with a smile. "I promise," he says holding out his pinky. I lock my pinky with his.

We stay seated like this until my ass hurts and I get up. "So what do you wanna do," I ask. "Let's go have sec somewhere we haven't yet," he suggest slapping my ass.

I roll my eyes. "Where," I ask. "We haven't done it in here," he says. "Yes we have," I say "on the couch." "I don't rember that," he says picking me up.

He drops me on the couch climbing on top of me attacking my face with kisses. "I love you Ameer," I say. "I love you Scarlett," he says tugging on my pants.

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