⭐Chapter 1⭐

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It had been 2 weeks ever since summer vacation had started and this was perfect time for Cody to go out pranking people.

His parents weren't much happy about him pranking people when he was caught spray painting his neighbours car in pink colour.

Cody was already grounded for that incident and was made to clean their neighbours car.

But that didn't stop his antics....


" I challenge you ! you cannot Car Jack  Principal's car " Tom said.

" Pff...Its quite easy , Its not like we are going to drive on highway , we can Just drive it down to the next block too " Cody said chuckling.

" You sure about this Cody...? " Danny asked.

" Offcource dude " Cody said.


" Oh god !!! we are so screwed up , If we get caught we are dead meat " Tom said.

" Stop being such a worry-wort Tom , we are Just driving until the end of  the block " Cody said chuckling as he started to drive.

" I think we should drop this idea " Danny said.

" You always freak out Danny " Cody said and started driving.

They turned around the block when they noticed cop.

" Oh Shi* " Cody said.

" We are so screwed...." Tom said as Cop approached the car..

" What are you kids doing out late ? Do your parents know about where you are ? " Cop asked and we gulped.

" Ummm actually Sir- " Tom said.

" I think that's supposed to be ' No ' , get out of the car and follow me " Cop said.

" Sir ! Please can't you just let us go ? " Cody asked.

" I am sorry but from what I see you kids don't look old enough to be out driving car at this time of night , your parents need to be aware about your night outings " Cop said and they signed following the Cop.

" Sir - " Danny said.

" Get In the car , all three of you " Cop said.

" My Dad is going to kill me " Cody said.

Cody's Pov⭐

I gulped and looked up where Dad was talking to the Cop.

" From What I have gathered is that
Mr Evans your son was responsible for Car Jacking , In such circumstances there would be charges  or worst , but since Cody is still a minor we are letting him and his friends with a warning " Cop said.

" Thank you so much officer , I will make sure this does not happen again " Dad said shaking hands with officer..

" Dad - " I said.

" Not a word ! You and me are going to have a very long talk when we get home " Dad said sternly as we got inside the car and drove home.

🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠At Home🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠

" Sweetheart ! I was so worried " Mom said hugging me.

" Mom I am ok..." I said.

" You Young Man are In so much trouble - " Dad said.

" Nick you need to calmn down " Mom said.

" Emilia do you have any idea what Cody has done ?? " Dad said and I could practically see him fuming.

" I know but you need to take It easy " Mom said.

" Cody Samuel Evans !!! Do you have any idea what you did today was not only wrong but also a crime , you could have ended up In Jail , What were you thinking !? " Dad said looking at me.

" I was Just having fun with my friends and It was Tom who challenged me to Car Jack " I said.

" Did you hear that Emilia !!? Don't you dare take that cheek with me Cody , this would have ended really badly- " Dad said.

" But It did not - " I said.

" Don't intrupt me ! Like I was saying you and your friends could have ended up seriously hurting each other , this needs to stop right now , your grounded for 2 weeks - " Dad said.

" That's not fair ! " I said.

" What's not fair is you putting us through this , give me your phone - " Dad said and I was about to argue but I nodded handing him the phone.

1 week later....

I was still grounded but worst thing was Dad was getting transferd to Texas and we were moving with him.

" Why do we have to move Dad " I asked groaning.

" My Company is starting a new branch In Texas and they promoted me as Its head , we have few days so you can go and meet your friends until then " Dad said and I nodded.

I was kinda sad that we were moving but I was really gonna miss my friends.

So I decided to meet Tom but his parents said he was off visiting his Aunt ( 😜😝we all know Tom's parent's lied to Cody since Tom was at  Academy when Cody came to say goodbye ).

I told them to inform Tom that about my situation and then I left to see Danny.

At Danny's house...

" Oh ! Hello there Cody , Danny your friend is here " Mr Shepard said.

" Daddy No ! I don't want - " My Jaw dropped when I saw Danny In baby blue Overalls and pacifier.

Danny was hugging a Blue elephant.

" Umm Danny you ok " I asked.

" Don't worry son , what Danny did was really naughty so now I am treating him like a naughty little boy " Mr Shepard said and Danny blushed.

" What are you doing here Cody " Danny asked.

" My Dad is getting transferred to Texas Danny , I was here to meet you and day goodbye " I said.

" Oh ! That sucks man " Danny said and we hugged.

" Tell your Dad that we will miss you guys , now it's someone's Milk time , let's gey something In that tummy " Mr Sephard said poking Danny's tummy making him giggle.

" Daddy ! stop ! " Danny said.

" Sure Mr Shepard , Danny can you please tell Tom about this when he is back , I went his house but his parents told me he is at his Aunts " I said.

" Sure thing " Danny said and I quickly got out of there.

That was weird....

To Be Continued....


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