⋆2༄ Unlucky.

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This chapter is dedicated to MichelleSzleper who was so determined to find out what's going to happen next that she offered to make my lunch for work as an exchange for chapter 2 *laughs*. She's a close friend of mine, so she knows how much I love her sandwiches, so how could I say no to that? *laughs harder*.

You can thank her guys, lol. Love you all! I hope you'll enjoy the chapter as much as I'll enjoy much lunch tomorrow, haha!


With my mouth pressed into a hard line and my eyes reddened thanks to the tears that I have shed on my way back home, I swing the door open and walk inside the house, my mother's voice momentarily cuts through the air.

"Honey, what happened?" she asks, worried, rapidly scurrying over to me.

"I wish I knew," I murmur, disgruntled, walking past her and plopping down onto the sofa.

"Wasn't William happy to see you?" she questions gingerly, her wary steps resound in my ears as she moves towards me.

"No, I don't think he was," I chuckle bitterly. "He seemed very pleased to see his girlfriend, though," I utter, feeling like ripping my heart out and hurling it at the wall.


"Yeah," I mumble, tears re-surface over my eyes. "Nothing makes sense," I murmur, looking over at my mother as she sits down beside me. "If he fell for someone else, why would he change his number? I mean, okay, maybe he didn't want me to contact him, but his mother?" I sigh, unable to grasp it with my mind. "Have you heard from her yet?" I ask, hoping that Mrs. Reyman might be able to explain her son's frigid demeanor.

My mother studies my face intently, her words depress me even more. "No, darling. I'm sorry," she mutters, stroking my back in a fond manner.

"Are you not going to visit her?" I ask in a hopeful voice.

"No, Davina. Whatever reason she had to change her number is none of my business. If she feels like visiting me and explanining everything, then she will," she replies, making me even more depressed than I already was. "So, what happened? What did William say to you when you met him?"

"It doesn't matter," I murmur, getting up to my feet. "I don't want to talk about it," I add, carelessly leaving my mother on her own, making my way up to my room.

As I shut the door closed behind me, I throw the weight of my body onto my bed. I feel deeply devastated, disappointed and beyond disconsolate. The loneliness wraps its arms around me, cold and displeasuring, reminding me of how friendless I am. The only people that remained in my life were Will and Anaya, but now as he decided to desert me, I was just left with someone who unfortunately travelled to Edinburgh to visit her family, and wasn't coming back for however long they decide to stay over there.

Having no option of meeting Anaya in person, I dig my phone out of my shorts and dial her. She picks up almost immediately.

"Hi," she chirps, just the sound of her voice makes me feel much better.

"Hey, how is it going?" I ask, not wanting to right away rant about the disaster of confronting Will.

"Yeah, not too bad," she says merrily. "Can't wait to go back, though. I quite miss you," she says, and I involuntarily smile.

"Same," I murmur, rolling onto my back.

"Talking about missing people," she starts and my stomach momentarily churns. "Did you go to see Will?"

"Yes," I respond, getting up to my feet, deciding on unpacking my suitcase whilst I'm on the phone.

"And? How did it go? Did he explain why he disappeared from social media?" she asks, curiosity laced within her words.

17 Made MistakesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon