crystals and moons

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hey guys, how have you been.

i'm super excited for 3 reasons. one, i'm gonna get my first crystal yayy. it's a rose quartz necklace and i'm getting it from earthbound, i'm so excited i'm never taking it off besides showering and stuff. but pretty please don't ask me for advice on crystals, i'm still new at them. all i know is you need to start small and only get what you're comfortable with.

two, the pink moon is tonight, april 26, 2021. it's full and it's gonna be sooo pretty. it's a super powerful moon, so Y'ALL KNOW THE DRILL. shift, tonight, you got this. i'm gonna post some motivation hopefully soon. i've still got school today, but i'm working on it.

three, I'M GOING TO DISNEY YAYY. it's for cheer and i fucking hate my coaches, like they've gotten to the point where they're verbally abusive and trust me, i've gone through enough abusive coaches for at least 2 or 3 lifetimes. anyways, i have practice 2 hours monday, 2 hours tuesday, 2 and a half wednesday and we fly out thursday. it's gonna be a fun way to finish out the season adn my cheer career. anyways, i'm getting off the subject. i'm going there, so lots of good vibes, i'm super excited.

stay safe and keep the good vibes close

<3 krista

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