02 || The Wonders Of Google

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Song: Frank Ocean - Ivy  (slowed + reverb)


That night, I snuck out after curfew and ran towards the oak tree behind old man Winter's shed. He'd died a couple years ago and no one dared to come up here anymore.

The dark didn't scare me, not when the moon was casting a light glow, illuminating enough of my surroundings. Besides I was too preoccupied to let anything stop me.

I couldn't shake the sadness.

I was more than devastated and no matter how many reassuring words I had received from Father Kade I was still upset.

No one understood. They all saw it as a blessing, even Michael going as far as telling me how proud he was of me.

We don't talk of Daniel much, but today he told me he was glad one of his offspring didn't trun out to be a disappointment.

I wanted to correct him and tell him that Daniel was in no way a disappointment and that he was living his life in New York City, but I knew if they suspected I was in contact with him, I would be in big trouble.

Definitely grounds for punishments.

And so, I had resorted to plastering on an in-genuine smile, nodding obediently like the good girl they all thought I was only to turn around and rebel in ways that were unheard of.

The guilt of lying to them didn't stop me from making my way through the forest towards the clearing.

Daniels clearing.

Instead the thought just made my heart shatter all over again. For years, all I longed for was to be with my brother again.

The person I loved most. More than myself.

I hadn't seen much of him lately. It'd been exactly two months since we'd last spoke and four months since i'd last seen him.

He had long ago introduced me to the popular technological advancements of the outside world, even going as far as gifting me a cellular smart device.

However, it was purely to be used at the clearing and as a way to stay in contact with him. Since he was in New York City which seemed to be a good distance away from us here, he couldn't keep making the trip up here.

At first, I was horrified with the device itself. No one in The Colony but Father Kade was to have one but once I started exploring the features, I couldn't stop.

Luckily the clearing was a national camp ground. One that provided free access to the internet, so my cellular device only worked up here.

Ella was the only other person that knew of my secrets. We had spent numerous nights out here, scrolling through a world that was activated through the touch of one's finger.

We had even stumbled across the greatest world of them all.

It called itself Google.

From pictures to moving pictures referred to as videos, we'd spent hours surfing through the Google and there was still so much more to explore.

There were such things as articles, films, illustrations all depicting the world beyond The Colony.

There were stories. Fascinating and intriguing. Tales of criminal villains taking over towns and cities while masked hero's fought and saved the humans from them.

Tales of girls in school- but not just any school, a highschool. A place where the students were given a position in a social hierarchy. Where the ones on the top would wear pink on certain days of the week, writing about their classmates in horrible ways.

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