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"I can't believe that they're together", a random girl said.

"Yeah! I thought they're just friends"

"But it was obvious they used to flirt with each other a lot"

Y/n and Junghyun are dating

This is was the breaking news in their college. This news was spreading like a fire. Everyone were shocked that the popular boy chose to date a simple girl!

Soon the news came to Jungkook's ears.

He was shocked would be an understatement. He was terrified. This was like a nightmare for him.

Didn't she love me?! This can't be!!!

Jungkook was shaking in fear.

"I-it's just a rumour! She'll never date anyone except me!!", He tried to reassure himself.

"I-I'll ask her, it's a r-rumour ofcourse", he added.

He was searching for Y/n. He was nervous as hell.

Soon he saw her near her locker. He approached her.

"Y/n!", He called out as he went towards her.

"Yes Jungkook?"

"See what they're saying, t-they are saying that y-you're dating that J-Junghyun guy", he asked nervously as his heart started beating faster.

"Oh yeah! We're dating", she smiled brightly.

Jungkook felt his whole world crash apart.

"B-but you loved me, didn't y-you?", He asked weakly.

She widened her eyes at the sudden question from him.

"Oh that! It was just a small crush before I developed any further feelings, you rejected me and very harshly which to be honest hurts me till now.... And when I saw there's absolutely no chance of 'us', I decided to move on which I did", she said smiling.

Jungkook felt someone is stabbing his heart non-stop. He never hated himself as much as he's hating himself now. He felt his eyes getting teary. He didn't want to break down in front of her.

I wish it was a nightmare but it's not! She moved on from you, jerk

He wasn't able to say anything because if he said he's going to cry like a baby in front of everyone so he just nodded and went away.

"He's strange sometimes", she murmured to herself.

She was a little shocked by his sudden behaviour but decided to shrug it off because she has decided not to poke her nose in other's business.

Jungkook ran and locked himself in one of the cubicles of the restroom. There he broke down and cried his heart out. His tears came down non-stop.

"W-why did I behave like that w-with her. I-it would have b-been me t-that would be d-dating her, b-but no I behaved like a j-jerk and l-lost her. She's still h-hurt because o-of me! I-if only I-I accepted her instead of rejecting h-her, she would have b-been mine now but No!! She's n-not mine", he cried more.

Fortunately nobody was there in the restroom so no one heard him cry.

"I-it doesn't matter. I'm still g-going to love you Y/n, I always did. You're the only one in my heart. I'm n-not giving up on you, call me selfish but I don't care!! I'll make you fall for me again and this time I'll never let you go", he said weakly but he was determined.

He came out washed his face and fixed himself but his puffy eyes and face wasn't helping at all. He decided to take a leave today as he won't be able to see them together.

He went to his home while looking down and trying not to cry.


The college was over and Y/n and Junghyun were walking to their home.

"For how long?", she asked.

"Ahhh I don't know... Can't you help me... I'm such a good boy", he said showing his puppy eyes.

"Whatever", she rolled her eyes.


"Be my girlfriend, Y/n", he said.

She widened her eyes.

"W-what?", She asked not being able to believe her own ears.

"I said be my girlfri-"

"Wait! You want me to be your girlfriend?", She asked pointing towards herself.

Junghyun nodded his head, about to speak again but got cut off

"Listen up I know I'm beautiful and cute and sweet (effect of Somi💅) but you're a friend to me and how can I-"

"OMG! You speak too much", he screamed while laughing.

She was confused.

"Why are you laughing?", She asked.

"First listen my dear Y/n", he said while laughing.

"Then say", she pouted.

"Be my fake girlfriend Y/n, my ex, Selena came back again and she's behind me now even though I don't want her and she's pissing me off and in anger I told her that I'm dating you now. So please help me", he said pleading and using his puppy eyes as a weapon.


"Please please please Y/n. I helped you so much when we were younger. Can't you help me now?", he asked joining his hands.

"Ok fine!", She said giving up.

"Thank you so much, Y/n", he said excitedly.

"Anyways I'll show you my acting skills now", she said sassily.

"You're the best", Junghyun laughed.

"I know right", she laughed too.

*End of flashback*

"You're really something", she said.

"I know", Junghyun laughed.

𝖱𝖤𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖳 {𝖩𝖴𝖭𝖦𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪 𝖥𝖥} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now