t w en t y s e v e n

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"W...What did you just say?"

Takuma refused to heed the words voiced as truthful.

"The family themself has demanded the case to be rendered as closed, so we're now able to do nothing aside from complying with their wishes. As soon as tomorrow will you be sanctioned to file a case of dropping out so you'll be able to banish yourself from that academy's list of students. Enjoy your break, Takuma. You deserve it more than anyone here," the chief reported to him all that with a smile accompanying his face. He, too, was befuddled as to why the family had decided to make that judgment, but who was he to delve into their family affairs?

While that was going on, Takuma prevailed on remaining righted on his space on his chief's office, rigid as he tried to regulate his breathing. But as much as he strived to achieve so, his shots were fruitless. 

This can't be. Three words reiterated again and again like a mantra refusing to escape from his head. Of all times, why now? Why now when you two were slowly growing closer together?

'Enjoy your break' his ass. If being given a respite meant that he no longer would be able to see you each and every day like he was used to, then he'd rather be as restless as he could get from all those overtimes if that correlated to him being able to be with you. 

Takuma swallowed with difficulty, unable to imagine waking up without anticipating to meet you- 

Ah, he couldn't believe this.

He couldn't comprehend the fact that he was now one of your admirers that you had wrapped around your pretty little fingers. That he had now fallen so hard for you when all his life, things had been the other way around. Ah, just what were you doing to him? He was supposed to be focusing on his, now former, mission but look at him, instead of the task at hand, all of his attention had been pinpointed towards you.

You, you, and only you.

Maybe if he could just-

"You are now dismissed. You may go."

Perhaps not.

For fuck's sake, why weren't things turning out as he had planned?

Enki did not deserve all the shits given to him by his mother. While he might be a brutal murderer in the book, you liked to conjure the conclusion that he was now a rather innocent young man who just wanted to be loved. Because let's face it- the world you're in right now? It is no longer connected to the novel you'd finished a long time ago due to all the changes you, as much as you tried to dismiss the thought at first, had brought to this dimension.

So with all of that being pointed out, here you were, coddling him after he had requested for you to do so. It was a simple request, something you'd be able to do without expending much effort, henceforth, you elected to give in and provide the boy what he was coveting for. You crossed your fingers, trusting that he wouldn't think of this in any other way other than platonically. You would've warned him about it in a heartbeat, but considering that he was littered with cuts, wounds, and bruises, you chose to keep your mouth zipped instead.

The sound of a fist making contact against the wooden door stole your attention from playing with Enki's ginger tresses. "Who is it?" You queried, knowledgeable that it wasn't the nurse due to the unknown person knocking instead of making a beeline towards the room. "Y/n?" Shit, why was Kozan here?

"..." You held a hand over Enki's mouth, not wanting him to make a peep that would incite curiosity in Kozan that would prompt the latter to open the door. 

"Hm? Where else could she have gone to if she informed the professor that she was feeling out of it?" Kozan interrogated himself, a hum following his statement. 'Just go,' you repeated, presuming that the harder you wished for it, the higher the chances of it being granted. You just didn't have enough energy to deal with his bullshit, especially with your ongoing migraine. It seemed to have intensified in the last half an hour or so, and due to you not having any medicine at hand, you were left with resigning yourself to this contemporary helldom.

"Oh well, it's such a shame... I was planning to give her these painkillers that I found in my bag..." 

Were you really going to let go of Enki and make a break for the door and consequently have an interaction with this two-faced mongrel?

You were an easy girl, especially if you're suffering, so that'd be a 'yes'.

"Not an inch away from where you are at right now," you bit back the urge to empty your stomach as nausea seemed to be the dominating feeling in you at present time. "How dominating, I like it," if it was possible for you to do the same thing to Kozan as you did to Clementine, you would be on cloud nine. However, with him being one of the four ducal houses here, you doing that would end up with you in a scenario that would be less than desirable, so no thank you.

"The pills." The door creaked as you pulled on the knob for it to be opened, and here you were, facing one of the people who you would hate to encounter in your current state. "Should I be offended that you sought for this more than me?" 

"I could be setting my sights on your crotch right at this time and ready myself for some kicking to occur, so halt your yapping while I'm still being nice," you snatched the bottle away from him before he could keep it away from your arm's reach, just like he did with your phone awhile back. 

Within an ace of slamming the door on his, undeniably, attractive countenance, his foot stopped you from fulfilling the action. "Not even a thank you? Has your head gotten huge owing to the fact that you're now betro-" You pulled his hand as he stumbled from the sudden change in direction. The door was soon slammed shut, locked for extra security from the possibility of other people coming into this room.

"How did you know about that?" You seethed as your grip on his hand tightened. 

Enki's once-forgotten presence had now been, once again, brought into light when he had uttered these very words.


Your life was already in shambles, so what's the point of trying to keep it intact? Graciously, Kozan had done the deed of making your own life harder for you.

"Yes, you heard it right. Betrothed to the one and only Yukio Lovelle is she."

The sun had set, coming forth with the notion that the day was about to end in a few hours, only for the cycle to begin again soon. Takuma had arrived in the nick of time for him to meet up with someone who he knew could assist him. Someone he could use for him to be given the chance to stay by your side.

"I suppose that I needn't ask what you need for me to do?" The surrounding was dark, almost pitch black. The place that the albino had led him to was devoid of people, with only them occupying the place available. It was a forgotten room in Royal Brix, deserted, dilapidated, and decrepit. No one knew this place, except him, and this other person, due to the room being hidden underground. For what reason this place was built? That, he did not know. No matter. The most important thing here was for this discussion to only be dyadic.

"As soon as tomorrow, preferably. Do the feat and I shall remain silent." 

"How will I know that you're going to hold your end of the bargain?"

"You won't. I have the upper hand here and the only thing that you'll be able to do is to abide by what I've said."

"All right." How merciful of him to be so quick to accept it.

Takuma had known who the perpetrator was as soon as you two had established your relationship. The only reason why he hadn't exposed this man was due to him being aware of the fact that he'll be able to utilize him in the near future. And as luck might have it...

Takuma needed his cooperation the most now.

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