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"I swear to the grievers, Minho, if you say that word one more time I'll-"

"Boyfriend." Minho grinned from ear to ear. He heard the news after you had already locked yourself away in your room for the night, so the next morning he decided to take the day off of going into the maze just to pester you about it, or that's what you assumed. He had told Nick that his legs had been killing him and that's why he needed a day off.

You slammed your fist on the table and jumped up to reach across it. Newt wrapped his arms around your middle and sat you back down.

"None of that, you'll end up in the Slammer like-"

"Like her boyfriend," Minho interjected.

You stabbed your fork into the wood table and glared at Minho. "If you don't want that to be your dick then you best slim it."

Newt whistled then said, "Your temper has been touchy lately. Get that from your boyfriend?"

Oh great, now Newt was joining in. There was no point in trying to fight it now since they decided to gang up on you. A low growl emitted from deep in your throat before you ripped your fork from the table and started shoveling food into your mouth to distract yourself, thinking that if you stopping giving them a reaction, they'd move on. However, your friends would not let up.

Minho leaned forward to talk only loud enough for you and Newt to hear. "Look, if you like him anyway, then just be happy about all this. Maybe it'll put the idea into his head."

"That could work," Newt agreed with a nod. He often agreed easily with Minho, even if he pretended like he was hearing out everyone else's opinions first.

"No. He hates me, look." You turned to look at Gally's table where he had been harshly glaring at you for the whole breakfast. When you locked eyes, he held up his middle finger. This was something he had done every time he caught you staring since he had been let out of the Slammer that morning. "See? He's just a hot-headed asshole, probably wants me dead."

"Maybe he means it literally, you know, like he actually wants to fuck you," Newt offered in a hopeful tone.

Minho laughed at that. "Yeah and maybe we're not all stuck in a jacked maze."

Newt held up his middle finger at the boy. Minho blew a sarcastic kiss at him.

You slammed your fist on the table again. "Guys get serious! Help me make a plan to take out my enemy!"

Minho's face scrunched up. "The Greenie?"

"No! Not the stupid Greenie! Gally! How do I get back at him?"

Newt cocked his head to the side. "Didn't he stand up for you? Maybe you should let this one slide, rose."

With a dramatic eye roll, you left the table and stormed off to find something to do for the day. Perhaps you could do some laundry. The labor would be a good outlet for your anger, plus you could use the time to come up with a diabolical plan to teach Gally a lesson. After a full day of washing, your anger simmered away, and none of the plans you played out in your head ended up working in your favor. Maybe Minho was right and you should just let this one slide. Gally's friends were probably giving him just as much of a hard time as yours were to you.

Besides, only a few of the guys were giving you snarky comments about being a girl when they walked by. Although part of you did fear that others would see how those few treated you and think it's okay. The few could grow to many in a short amount of time if you didn't gain some respect back quick.

At the end of the day, you had an armful of clean clothes that were Gally's to use as the perfect excuse to see him. When you knocked on his door, he opened it then blocked the entrance with his wide shoulders.

Rose// Gally Maze RunnerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora