Chapter 24

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Yoongi POV

Min Yoongi had never felt more alone in his life. He deserved it, of course. He had gone to a place no one came back from. The things he'd said.... Even he hated himself.

He stood up from his chair and mindlessly paced around his studio. Sleep and composing were the two things that always helped him focus, but lately he could only sleep for 4 hours at a time and everything he produced sounded like a toddler wrote it.

Yoongi reached up and gingerly pressed the pads of his fingers to his cheek. The bruises on his face were healing.

He wasn't sure he wanted them to.

Yoongi knew he had to apologize. There was no way he could live with himself if he didn't. But Ivy's words rang through his head on repeat. 'Don't show up because she can't bear to see your face.'

But how? Every scenario he could think of ended in hate, tears, and more hate. Yoongi had no one to ask for help. He was so, so alone.

Still, he knew he would go crazy locked in his studio like this. With a final resolve, Yoongi grabbed his facemask and left the building.

He wasn't really sure where he was going. A meaningless walk. And then he smelled it. The overwhelming scent of a flower shop. And Yoongi knew exactly what he had to do.

Yoongi quickly crossed the street and stepped into the empty store, a small bell jingling as the door opened and shut. An old lady stood behind the counter, intensely tending to a pot of pink flowers. Carnations, the little stick in the pot read.

"Excuse me," he called, trying to get her attention. He waved his hand. Finally spotting a silver bell on the counter, Yoongi gave a short ring and the old woman startled up.

"Oh! Trying to give an old lady a heart attack are you?" she chastised playfully, straightening her back and turning around to face the customer.

"Sorry," Yoongi said. "You seemed really focused."

"Yes, well, what can I- oh my lord," the lady, whose name badge read Mirae, exclaimed, looking up to take in Yoongi's face. "You are the second most good-looking man I've ever seen walk into this store. There was only one before you. And I made him my husband," Mirae chuckled, whistling at Yoongi.

"Um," Yoongi stuttered, not really sure how to take her words.

"Now don't you worry. I'm not trying to take you away from your soulmate. That man was mine, of course. Married for 70 years, the longest in my family, until that bastard decided to go and die and break our running record," Mirae laughed again, and Yoongi was sincerely worried the old woman would break bone right then from her laughter.

"Don't you worry about an old lady's ramblings. I'm not trying to, what do they say these days, hit on you. Although, if you're ever looking, I may be old but you know what they say. The older you are the more experience you got."


"Alright, alright. I've made you plenty uncomfortable. Not many people buy flowers these days, so I like to have fun with those that do come in. Anywho, what can do for you?" she asked, straightening her dirt-stained apron.

"Well, I was hoping you had some dahlias. Specifically purple ones," Yoongi asked hopefully. Mirae sighed and shook her head.

"Sorry, dear. It was all really strange, but a few days ago, all of my purple dahlias wilted and died. I had to throw them out. Real shame, though. They were very nice. I suspect it was some disease or another. I can't tell you when we'll get more, though. My supplier said a lot of them got sick around the time mine all died. I do have some in other colors, if you're interested," she offered.

Yoongi shook his head and thanked her for her help before leaving the store. Checking the map on his phone, he found 3 other flower shops in the area that were still open. It didn't take long, though for him to get turned away from each one with the same story.

Dejected, Yoongi slowly trudged along the sidewalk. As long as there are purple dahlias in the world, we will be together. The words from so long ago came back to him and the world felt all the more heavier.

The scent reached his nose one more time. Yoongi let out a heavy sigh. What were the odds really? What was the point of getting his hopes up only to be turned away? Still, Y/N was worth everything to him and Yoongi would go to a thousand stores just to get that one flower.

Yoongi followed the smell blindly, the map on his phone not showing any flower shops in the area. He crossed the street again and found himself standing in front of a low table.

Behind the table sat a young girl with stained clothes and unbrushed. Laid out in front of her was a small array of glass jars and in each one sat a flower in a shallow pool of water.

The girl looked up at him happily and rang a small bell. She picked up a sign next to her and held it up for him to read.

"Hello. Would you like to buy a flower?" the sign read. Yoongi looked down at the tiny assortment and found at the very end, a single purple dahlia. The tiny spark of hope in his heart grew into a little flicker of flame.

Yoongi pulled out his wallet and asked her, "How much?" The little girl tilted her head to side before reaching down next to her and pulling up another sign.

"I'm deaf. Could please repeat that slowly so I can lip read?" the sign read. Yoongi could do one better.

"How much?" he signed. The child's face lit up at seeing a speaker of her language.

"100 won. Or however much you can pay," the girl signed. Yoongi reached into his wallet and pulled out 9500 won before handing it to the child.

"Get yourself something to eat, okay? A real meal," Yoongi signed, picking up the jar with the dahlia.

The little girl was tearing up, clutching the money to her chest and thanking him over and over. Yoongi only smiled at her with a nod before walking away with the flower.

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