Chapter 4

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Willow's POV

Saturday dawned with bright sunshine. I had no idea what time it was as I kicked the cheap motel blanket off of me. I lay there looking at the stained ceiling contemplating these new emotions. For the last 2 years I have been numb. I have been going through the motions of living all while searching for some unidentified goal or purpose. It felt like every turn I made, every change of plans, every pull of the road led me here. Now I have a friend. It's weird because I don't even have her phone number, we just meet up and hang out like it was destiny. After last night I can honestly say I have a crush, Dominic.

I never thought my heart would be able to feel anything again. You can't go through the kind of loss and devastation that I went through without feeling utterly broken. But for the first time since the tragedy I feel... hope. Hope that I won't be broken forever. Hope that perhaps I may have a second chance at happiness, well as long as he can accept that I won't be able to give him... certain things. Okay woman stop that! Shake it off, get your ass out of bed and enjoy this day!

My inner voice is bossy but I like her, she keeps me in check. I hop in the shower and finish getting ready for the day. Dom last night said something about seeing Lia today. A part of me, of a huge part of me, wants to spend the entire day at the pub waiting for him to show up but that screams stalker.

I take stock of my supplies, I have been here a week already. It doesn't feel like it has been that long and yet it feels like I have been here forever. This small faded motel room is actually starting to feel a bit like home. Shaking my head for what feels like the umpteenth time I make a shopping list and decide to head to the grocery store. If Lia stays true to form she will meet me part way to the store and we will hangout until she has to go to work.

Much to my surprise I didn't see her on the way to the store. I didn't see her while I shopping. I didn't  even see her on my way back to my room. I was a little hurt. What the fuck lady? You have spent how long completely solo and after one week with Lia you're feeling lonely? Get over yourself she probably has other friends and she has that family thing today.

"Okay brat! I get your point" As I scold my inner voice there is a soft knock on the door. At first I thought it might be Lia but that girl is anything but soft. I open the door and see Deloris.

"Hi Willow." She greets me warmly.

"Hi Deloris, what can I do for you?" I respond.

"Just checking to see how the room is working out for you." she peaks over my head at the space.

"Oh, it's just fine." I reply with a smile. It's really easy for me to smile here must be the fresh mountain air.

"Good, good. Hey, I'm going to be out tonight and the office is going to be closed." she said not quite meeting my eye and if I wasn't mistaken she looked a little nervous.

"Is everything okay?" I ask trying to sound nonchalant.

"Oh, yes yes. Just do me a favor and stay in tonight. I know you typically go down to The Den in the evenings but you might want to skip it tonight." Yup, she is definitely nervous and it's a little weird that she knows my routine.

"I'll think about it." I didn't want to tell her that I had no intention of staying in if I had a chance to see Dom.

"Okay Deary. Well if you don't need anything I am just going to close up the office and head out then. Good Night." She turned and quickly made her way back towards the office moving much faster than I expected for a woman her age.

Finding HomeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora