Chapter 5 - Astrid

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I bang on each and every closed bathroom stall yelling for Bianca's name. The urgency of the news I have to break to her fuels my frustration immensely. At one point, a girl on her phone in the corner of the bathroom cuts away from her call to annoyedly shush me. I turn red of respect for her wish as the bathrooms in Oscura are completely sound proof and I have myself used their silence once or twice to lie to my parents about my whereabouts when Bianca and I used to sneak out in high school.

I step outside and survey the crowd around me. It's midnight and it's only going to get more crowded.

No sign of Bianca anywhere, just the pestiferous, handsome Lycan Alpha grinning smugly at me from the bar. For a moment he looks away, to the Vexxen twins, who seem to be dragging their very inebriated almond-skinned victim into the darker VIP section. The Lycan Alpha looks at them and shakes his head in dismissal.

As they pass me, I catch one of the twins slide her hand into the drunken man's pocket, while the other caresses his pectorals as a distraction. Maybe this isn't my business, but I feel I ought to follow the party as an upstanding citizen of Silver Bow just in case they commit any secret crimes.

I keep my eyes on them as one covertly slips the bouncer a bill and he lets her through. I muster every ounce of confidence I have in me, channelling Bianca's grace and Alpha authority, and march right up to the bouncer.

"The VIP lounge is currently at capacity," he says as he gazes down at me.

I reach into my pocket for some spare change. A crinkled 20 dollar note is all I have and I hand it to the bouncer. He takes it, but doesn't let me through.

"Hey!" I protest. "At least give me back my money."

He just stares off blankly.

I sigh for what I'm about to do. It's already bad enough I ride the coattails of my best friend's privilege and abusing that power makes me feel despicable.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask at first, not wanting to outright blabber the name of the Princess of Silver Bow.

"A pesky little girl who needs to fuck off."

I contemplate proceeding with the name drop. I mean, is that stranger really worth saving from the Vexxen twins? Their names never pop up in local news. But then again, neither do wolves or any supernatural folks I know of.

"I'll tell you then. I'm—"

"Alpha Xenakis," the bouncer exclaims looking at a figure behind me, who's breathing down upon my head.

I don't have to turn around to recognize the enchanting minty fragrance that's slowly engulfing me, like cool ocean waves. But his sudden presence does jolt me a little.

The bouncer opens the door. "Go ahead, Ms Lee," he says. Of course, this asshole knows who I am.

Before I step in, I stick my hand out. He returns my 20 and rolls his eyes.

"Thank you."

I walk in and scan the dark room and the shadows cast against the red walls expecting, on the one hand, to find Bianca here. But she isn't. On the other hand, the Vexxen twins have happily taken up a cozy little booth where one of them is rummaging through their target's belongings while the other is scribbling runes on his arms and chest.

"Alex," I hear the Lycan Alpha mutter gruffly under his breath. I suppose judging by this Alex guy's height and build, he does fit the profile of a Lycan Beta. Though I find it a tad amusing that such a warrior would fall victim to some simple witchcraft.

"Better hurry before they complete the enchantment," I tell him.

The Lycan Alpha stomps towards them. The twins look up and gasp, caught red-handed. They clutch each other's hands, utter some words quickly and incoherently, and vanish, leaving behind a hint of purple smoke. The Lycan Alpha pats his Beta's pockets to check whether anything's amiss. He slaps the unconscious man, but he doesn't budge.

I look at the closed door at the far end of the lounge marked "Office", honing in my hearing for any commotion on the other side. Nothing.

"You womanizing bastard," he says, breaking my concentration as he swings his Beta's arm around his neck and drags him along. He looks at me expectantly. "A little help?"

I feel a few choice words arising out of my throat, but then I relent and support the other side of the passed out Beta, who reeks of booze. All the way to the exit, the crowds make way for us as if the Lycan Alpha is Moses leading his Beta through the Red Sea. I'm about ready to drop this heavy, lifeless idiot when he suddenly lurches forward and vomits on his hands and knees. Just before he rolls in his vomit, the Lycan Alpha moves him about an inch away.


The sleek black BMW behind the Lycan Alpha blinks alight and opens. He drags his Beta across the gravel and throws him in the backseat, heaving and sighing and cursing all the while. He turns back around, flashes a bright smile and runs his fingers through his dark curly locks.

"Thanks, Astrid."

I'd find all this display of friendship and ruggedness and coolness sexy if he weren't so smug or if he weren't engaged to my best friend, who I've overlooked given this fiasco. But where is Bianca?

"So, where's the best friend you were gonna rat me out to?" he asks as if he knew my exact thoughts.

Looking over his tall frame would be impossible even on my tiptoes, so I crane my neck from side-to-side to find that Bianca's silver Mercedes convertible is still in the parking lot.

"I don't know," I sigh, absentmindedly kicking a rock under my foot.

With every wasted second of not telling Bianca, I feel my attraction to this tall and conceited man growing like someone's cast a spell on me. Worst of all, I'm not mad anymore about her leaving Silver Bow. The mental gymnastics my mind is pulling over strategizing ways to take advantage of this supposed destiny bond in being able to see my best friend seems a stupid endeavour, but comforting.

"Let me drive you home," he offers, his voice suddenly tender. Is this man really capable of showing any emotion other than 'smug'?

"I have to wait for Bianca."

"Hmm," he shrugs. "Don't forget to tell her what I told you," he smiles and winks with his black eye as he gets into his car while his Beta snores away in the backseat. "See you tomorrow."

And how I dread to see him again tomorrow, where he'll officially be meeting Bianca and her mom and her dad and...would he tell them what he told me? Would he break off their engagement over it? The realization dawns on me like lightning striking an idle steel rod. I have been childishly angry over Bianca leaving when I should have thought about the responsibility she was stepping up to for her pack.

"Wait!" I call out, but the black BMW is already out of sight.

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