-𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝟙 ✬ L𝕒-

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Landing time

A space capsule was falling, dashing with immense speed towards the midst of Earth. The ship was in flames and started burning as it broke through the atmosphere.

The person inside could feel their body wanting to rise to the roof but their seat belt kept them pinned in place. They were screaming "Mayday! Mayday!" while randomly pressing every single button of the starship in reach, which seriously worsened the situation.

'I knew following Soobin wasn't a good idea..'


During that time, in South Korea, a group of astronomers who were located at the national observatories took notice of some kind of weird silver meteoroid speeding towards their planet, their country more precisely.
And all of this was being broadcast live on television.

Kang Taehyun, age 18, was at a café with two of his friends and his closest cousin. Taehyun was busy pouring the content of a juice bottle directly on the actual table. His shocked eyes were so glued on the TV that he didn't notice how he was totally missing the glass cup. 'Oh my gosh...'

"Taehyun you're making a mess!" Huening Kai exclaimed, instantly cleaning the liquid while wasting a bunch of napkins in the process.

"Oh." Taehyun ceased "Oups?"

Minkyu giggled "You always get distracted so easily"

"But anyway" Jake drifted their attention back to the TV of the café "There are some proclamations that the asteroid that's coming towards us might be a space capsule from a foreign planet!"

Introducing the dramatic exclamation coming from the one and only Huening Kai "NOooOOOoOo!!!!?"

"Oh please.. extraterrestrials don't exist." Logan commented on what was previously said by his brother.

Meanwhile, Taehyun looked resented "Aliens gross me out.. So I hope this is just a misinterpretation"

"Well, whatever that thing is, is calculated to crash in a couple of seconds apparently. So yep we're all going to die." Huening nonchalantly said while slurping his latte. "Hahhh yummy."


The person who's a 'he' slowly opened his eyes, waking up inside of the ship.

His mind wasn't back to full functioning power just yet, it needed time to reboot, like a machine.
After finally coming to his senses, he realised that his vehicle had landed or let's say crashed on Earth.

He noticed a small red flash from the corner of his eye, it was fading in and out. He brought his arm out and fought with the jumbled nests of wires and cables that were hanging down like vines, and reached for the blinking light. It was the SOS alarm 'You're late.'

"This is Dr. Froth. What do you think you're doing?!"

The person proceeded to just block that Dr. Froth guy.
He now unbuckled his seatbelt and sat up, somehow completely unharmed by the brusque crash. After getting out of the little spaceship, he immediately fell to his knees.

'Earth's gravity is higher than I thought...'
Thankfully he can breathe this air and he had stored multiple human languages in his brain, so he may adapt. Since he is strong in the thighs, he was able to slowly stand up. 'But I can get used to this..'

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