Part 13: Safe?

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The stairs creaked as someone came down. Thankfully, the person is carrying a bottle of water. It's someone I haven't seen before.

My red, puffy eyes meet her green ones. She looks away with a sad expression on her face. Setting the water down, she turns back around to leave.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this. If I could, I would stop them. But I can't." She says quietly before she leaves the room.

I grab the water bottle and slowly sip the water. It settles uneasily in my stomach, seeing as I haven't eaten anything in around a day or two.. Actually, I don't know how long I've been in this basement.

I only take a few sips of the water before closing it. I want to save and ration it in case I don't get another.

My mind wanders. Visions of Ranboo and everyone else dance in my head. I remember how much fun I had when streaming with them. I remember when Ranboo and I watched The Fault In Our Stars. I remembered Gogy's scared face and screams when we were on The Hulk ride. I just want to be back with them.

I hear the door open again and loud footsteps coming down the stairs.

The man walks into the room, and I instantly recognize him as Alejandro. He undoes his belt and folds it in half. Raising it over his head, he forces the material down onto me again and again... I try to hold in my screams of pain as best as I can. My tears are trying to spill over onto my cheeks. I know what's going to come after the belt. But I wish I didn't. I wish I was still innocent. I wish I was dead. I can't take this torture. I just can't anymore.

Wilbur's POV

The police said that they would start looking for her after 24 hours of her missing. 24 hours? A whole fucking day? I can't keep still. She could be in pain right now. They could have killed her, and we wouldn't know. We may never know.... Stop, I can't think like that.

It's been three days since Y/N was taken. Three days! And the police don't have any leads. They're still waiting for homeowners to hand over security footage to see if they can get the license plate number of the van.

No one faring well. Some people are more put together than others, but everyone has taken a toll. The minors are a mess. Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo don't know what to do with themselves. Even Grayson is taking a toll. (Grayson is Purpled.) He planned to come down next week, but he's going to fly out tomorrow to be with us.

Everyone has taken a break from social media and streaming. The fans were all sad and confused. We didn't tell them what's going on. We just said that we had an urgent matter to attend to. People are suspecting that it is something with Y/N though. Seeing as she hasn't posted anything about going on a hiatus or anything while everyone else has.

Nobody has the courage to address the matter. If someone talks about it, they'll cry. I know I would. Hell, I start crying randomly now.

We still make sure everyone is eating, especially Niki and Karl, seeing as they have a history of EDs. By we, I mean me, Dream, Quackity. We make sure everyone eats and drinks a good amount. We can't have someone else falling into bad habits. It'll just spiral and spiral.

A phone call pierces the silence of the living room. The ringtone lets everyone know that it is Dream's phone. He picks it up lazily, not expecting much. When the person on the other end of the line talks though, his eyes widen.


"Are you sure?"

"We're on our way."

He looks at everyone. "They think they found her."

Everyone stares in shock for a moment before rushing around to get the others. We all piled into the cars and drove to hospital.

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