《 Introduction of a Ram 》

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A thud and a groan was heard as someone was thrown to the ground with their hands tied up with rope.

Tired and weak (E/c) orbs slowly raised upwards at the man that sat before him behind a desk.

"You may leave now, Quackity."

The raspy but somewhat deep voice had ordered.

Quackity mumbled something before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

The man seemed to hold a powerful sharp gaze as he took in the teen's figure.

A chuckle echoed throughout the room as the owner got up onto his feet and walked around his desk.

(M/n) snarled and bared his teeth a bit with furrowed eyebrows.

The man crouched down and snatched the (H/c)ette's chin, causing the two to meet eye to eye.

"You must be the one called (M/n), am I right?" The man asked with a raised eyebrow.

(M/n) stayed quiet, not wanting to answer his kidnapper's boss.

The man tsked at the unanswered question that he had asked.

A sharpened hitch of breath was heard as the man added more pressure.

"Answer me," he ordered.

The (H/c)ette narrowed their eyes as their pupils turned into slits.

"I will never answer you," the teen had hissed despite the pressure his jaw was feeling.

The man rolled his eyes as he released his grip on the younger.

(M/n)'s eyes traced the horns on the sides of the man's head.

This man was like a hybrid just like himself.

So why was this man wanting to take control of any type of hybrid that he deemed powerful in his eyes?

"You're part enderman and magma cube, not bad."

The (H/c)ette clenched his teeth as he made sure to keep eye contact with the other since he didn't want to show how weak he was.

"My name is Schlatt and starting today...you're my puppet," Schlatt declared with a smirk.

Pupils narrowed and became slits as their owner couldn't go at the other with his hands since they were tied up.

Schlatt glanced over at the door for a quick second.

"Take him to his cage, he'll be staying down there for quite some time."

One of the guards just grunted and snatched the back of the teen's shirt and started dragging him across the floor.

Angry hissing left the (H/c)ette's lips as he kicked his feet at the ground, trying his best to stop skidding across the hard but cold wooden floor.

Schlatt just chuckled as he watched the guard and the double hybrid leave his room before sitting down behind the desk.

The ram hybrid picked up a familiar file and flipped it open as he gazed at the papers that filled it.

"Quite a mysterious one, hm? It won't take too long to make him into my puppet, I can tell that he's about to crack but of course, he wouldn't allow that to happen until someone places that pressure onto him," he rambled on.

A wide but nasty grin was seen on their owner's lips as he turned around in his chair and gazed out the window.

"Tick tock goes the hybrid," he chuckled out.

(M/n) glared hatefully up at the guard as he was thrown harshly into some type of cell underground and far away from people.

The guard just narrowed their eyes at the other before turning away after locking the cell door and leaving the prison-like room itself.

The (H/c)ette took in his surroundings and frowned.

'Where am I? Where is this place cause I have never seen a building like this before...'

Confusion clearly decorated the double hybrid's face as he scooted himself up against a wall and leaned on it.

'I hope that Ranboo is okay...he got injured by Quackity but not by much, I hope,'

(M/n) was extremely worried for the young enderman hybrid that he had called his son in such little time of knowing him.

Due to how dark the cell was the (E/c) orbs started to glow a bit to share a little bit of the brightness to the darkness of the cell.

Something caught the double hybrid's attention as he looked down at his wrist and felt his breath hitched.

There were now two hearts instead of the original three hearts.

He had lost one in the fight with Quackity.

"Two hearts left... Two canon lives are left, no...I need to make sure I don't lose anymore until the time is right," the (H/c)ette had whispered while his voice cracked and shook with both distraught and disbelief.

The teen gazed at his tied up hands in silence and disappointment.

Why did it have to take so long to wake up after losing a life?

Especially the first life?

(M/n) was hoping that the next life would be quicker to wake up to if he ever loses it in the future.

He then released a deep heavy sigh as he laid his head up against the stone cold rocky wall.

"I'll escape somehow, I just...need to find the way out...if there even is a way out," he had whispered.

Sleepiness decided to take him over as his eyelids started to droop downwards.

"Yeah, I'll find a way ou–"

The teen fell silent as he fell asleep up against the wall, his head drooping and falling onto his left shoulder as gentle breaths left his lips.

Worried and confused blueish grey eyes glowed in the dark as they saw the sleeping figure.

'He kidnapped a hybrid this time, then why am I here?'


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