No shit Sherlock

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Cara's POV:-

"officer, can you please listen to me for once?" I pleaded one-hundredth time to the officer from behind the bars of the jail.

"Your boyfriend hit other officers right in the face. What else is there to explain? Plus, You two were going to commit arson. Correct me if I'm wrong"

yeah, I think I missed something there

I mentally cursed at myself, thinking about how Santiago beat the shit out of an officer just because he was asking me questions.

"Officer, Could you at least let me make a phone call?" I pleaded desperately as Santiago made some drunk noises in the background.

The officer nodded and left me with the person I hate the most in the whole wide world all alone.

"We should have got that bottle" he whined, giving me a pouty face with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Seriously, Santiago? We are in jail and that's what you care about right now?!" I snapped at him. He's not sober yet but I swear to god, I am fighting the urge not to punch him in the face.

After a few minutes, I finally got my hands on a phone and I wasted no time in calling my best friend.


I sigh in relief to hear his voice  "Ashton! Can you pick me up?" I tried to make this sound as normal as possible, but tonight is just not in my favour.

"Ah, where are you?"


"No shit Sherlock"

He doesn't believe me or something?! 

I huffed in frustration before speaking again," I am serious, Ash. I need you to get me out of here" I pleaded and he sighs deeply from the other end.

I gave him the location before hanging up the phone and handed it back to the officer. Now we wait.

I paced around behind the bars as Santiago complained about his hangover but I tried to avoid him for as long as I could.

"Are you mad at me?" He questioned out of nowhere which kinda caught me off guard.

"Mad? Oh no, I'm not just mad. I am furious!" I replied in agony, glaring straight into his eyes. 

He stood up and stepped towards me, "furious, huh? do you want to hit me in the face?" He asked with a devilish smirk on his face. 

bitch! I might!

Just when I was about to say something, I heard the lockup open and my eyes landed straight on my best friend.

"You two are free to go" The officer informed and I immediately ran to hug Ashton who tightly hugged me back.

I smiled to myself before pulling away from his embrace, "Thank you so much, Ash" I sigh in relief before pulling away from his embrace

"I'm sorry you had to come here all the way. It was a-"

"It's alright. Officer told me about the whole situation. And besides, if I didn't save your ass then who will?" He commented with a cheeky smirk and I playfully slapped his arm, making him giggle. 

I turned around to see Santiago who seemed to be staring at us the whole time. He walked forward and formally introduced himself to Ashton.

"Thanks for your help, Mr. McCoy It was very generous of you" Santiago said firmly, even though he's not completely sober.

Ashton gave him a polite smile before shaking his head, "oh no, you don't have to thank me. I did it for my best friend after all and please, call me Ashton"

I looked around and felt everyone staring at us. Well, I don't blame them. Who the fuck introduce themselves in a fucking jail?! "Let's take this conversation outside. Shall we?"

We got out of the police station and I could feel the cold hair hitting my face gently. It felt like I was trapped in a cage for so long.

I inhale the fresh air and relaxed my nerve but then- I realized something-
Something I forgot about-

"Santiago, where is your car?" I asked,  curiously, looking around the surrounding.

"Oh? The department said they will take care of it and will make sure to return by the morning. And I'm sure Ashton wouldn't mind giving me a lift. Now would he?"

Ashton chuckled slightly," of course not. Please, make yourself comfortable" He offered and we all hopped into Ash's Car.

Ashton sat on the driver's seat, I sat on the passages seat. whereas, Santiago was... Well, he was laying down on the backseat. This dude made himself a lot comfortable.

"So, where to first?" Ash, questioned as he started the engine and started to drive.

"My place" Santiago and I said in Union. Pretty sure, this just made this whole situation a lot more awkward.

Ah, why do I feel like this isn't going to end well for me?

                     ✦✧✧ - ✧✧✦

I want someone to take me on late night drives with absolutely no destination (╥﹏╥)

VotE AnD CoMmEnT If YoU PlEasE. TakE CArE oF YOuRsElF aNd StAy HAPpY. I'll SeE ArOUnd TilL tHeN...


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