Chapter 28 : Mr. Sweetest

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It's kind of stupid because he gets really jealous when he thinks of anyone else having her, when he doesn't even have her himself.

Nora's POV -

Josie is not the kind of person to just forget about the world and get lost. She's very responsible, she always informs me if she's going to be late. Her cellphone is powered off. Liam said Josie left with her car, in which she always keeps a spare charger so no possibility of battery dead.

Something's wrong. And when there's a suspicion, there's Hans Nicholas Anderson. So I grabbed a baseball bat and made my way to his house. I would've beaten him to his death if Josie was in trouble because of him.

And now, I'm in his car sitting right beside him. We are headed to Peoria, almost three hours away from Chicago. My phone vibrates in my jeans pocket, and as I pull it out, it reads Mr. Lemonade.

Shit! I forgot to tell Liam that we have found her location.

“ I've searched for her in all the places she usually go. She's nowhere. I'm the worst boyfriend ever! It was all my faul--” he belts and I cut him off, “ Listen listen I found her location. Wait I'm putting the call on speaker. ”

“ What you found her? Where is she? Is she fine? ”

“ Yeah, wait I'm texting you the location. ” I tell him while minimising the call to text him the location. “ She's at a hospital? Oh my God!” he blurts as soon as the text turns seen.

“ I-I'm coming right away. ”, he stutters while sounding panicked. My mouth fails to form words to tell him to be strong. How can one be strong?Knowing that their loved one is in hospital.

“ Don't overthink, maybe she's there only as a doctor. ”, Hans finally breaks the silence. “ Man, I don't know who're you but if that turns out to be true, I'll kiss you. ”

Liam is really not in his senses.

“ What? Wh-what? No, no you don't have to! I'm good without it. ” Hans blabs being totally confused what to say, while my lips slightly curls upward.

“ Really? That's your choice? ” Hans mouths in my direction with a disgusted face. “ Wait did I say I'll kiss you? No, no I meant I'll kiss Josie. ” Liam says.

Where the hell this conversation going?

“ Now what the hell do you mean, you'll kiss Josie? How can you say that in front of your girlfriend? ”, Hans presses the brakes and snaps out loud with his eyes as wide as a globe.

“ What does that supposed to mean? ” Liam responds from the other side to which Hans reacts before I could,“ I meant how can you say that when you know Noriana can hear you? ”

“ Excuse me, of course I can say that. We're very frank with each- ”

“ Hey hey, I think we all should be focusing on Josie right now. I'm hanging up the call. ” I butt in before anything else happens.

“ Oh yeah yeah, I'll text you as I reach there. ”

“ Yeah. And hey listen, she'll be fine okay. ” I mumble calmly ignoring my own heartbeat rate. “ I don't know, Nora. I won't forgive myself if anything bad happens to her. ” he professes and hangs up the call.

Me neither, buddy.

“ So you're fine with your boyfriend kissing your best friend? ” Hans asks shockingly. “ Can you please focus on the tracks? ”

He looks ahead and accelerates the car. He stays quiet for a minute or two before starting to talk rubbish, again. “ So when we were together, was I also allowed to kiss other girls or it's exclusively for him? ”

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