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Many people love the idea of solving mysteries. There's just something about putting all the pieces together and discovering what greater story lies beneath it all that seems to entice us. The mysteries don't even have to be big to draw us in, as long as it's a mystery that can be solved.

Perhaps it was this implacable and natural desire to solve what he thought was a mere curiosity that made a paranormal investigator turn on the camera he had found. Perhaps it was this urge to "solve" the entity you were trapped with that continued to push you through a situation where there were no right answers. Perhaps it was this urge to understand his own conflicted emotions that made a monster in a house decide to keep you around against his own better judgement.

One thing was for certain, though. The group walking towards the cursed house the whole town feared were not drawn there because of any mystery or curiosity or interest. Their only goal was to entertain, and they were good at what they did. The three men carried bags of equipment- cameras, tripods, microphones, and other such necessities- with the practiced ease of seasoned professionals. The twin girls had backpacks containing various props and the smaller, more compact tools like the EMF readers, spare batteries, etc.

"You're sure you have your lines memorized, Gabe?" It was the brown-eyed boy that had broken the group's comfortable silence first, directing the question the youngest of the group. The other boy gave a half-hearted sigh, flicking a lock of dark brown hair off of his face.

"Yes, mother, I have my lines memorized." A lazy grin crossed Gabe's face as he ducked a playful swing from his older brother and shifted position so that the third man was between them. "You really don't need to be so worried, Jack. You and I both know that I'd saw my own leg off before I slacked off on one of our videos." His black eyes flashed with an easy kind of mischief when Jack sighed again.

"He's right, you know." The short-haired girl jumped easily into the conversation, readjusting her backpack and skipping lightly over a crack in the sidewalk. "You've gotta lighten up a bit! This video may be being filmed away from home, but it's gonna be just as great as the prior ones! Maybe even better!" She stepped closer to the taller brother and gave him a playful nudge, a bright grin on her face.

"Leave him be, Jamie, Gabe. He has every right to be stressed about this." The oldest of the group spoke up this time, hazel eyes flickering warmly as he put a hand on Jack's shoulder. "This is an important video. For all of us." Jack flashed the taller man a relieved smile, to which he chuckled.

"Now come on, let's get to this house before Gabe collapses under the weight of his bag." The rest of group laughed at the younger brother's complaints, picking up the pace as they navigated their way towards the house at the end of the block.

Their laughing voices didn't falter when they entered the house's perimeter. Their smiles didn't waver as they passed the gate and went up the steps. They even continued their cheerful banter as they opened the door and made their way past the point of no return.

Perhaps, if they had heeded the shivers that ran down their spines as they walked closer to the house... perhaps if they had done their research before they entered... Perhaps if they had seen the image of a monster on a forgotten camera found on the sidewalk... their fate could have been avoided. But now, they've entered the lair of the beast. And unless by some miracle they get past the gate before their caught... well...

We all know what happens to intruders in Cartoon Cat's domain.

Monster (Cartoon Cat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now