006 ||Lipstick||

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[Joel's POV]

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[Joel's POV]

"Woah," I huffed as Y/n closed the door to the bus. "Woah, that was so cool!"

"Nice place," Y/n told the brown dog.

"You wanna sit?" I asked Y/n, pointing to a bed.

"No, it's all you." She said.

"Thanks," I said confused, it wasn't like Y/n to give me something voluntarily. "You all alone?" I asked the dog, sitting on a beg.

He nodded.

"Us too," I told him.

"Your talking to a dog, you know that right?" Y/n mocked, sitting in the drivers seat, wiping off her dirt-covered legs.

"You know I actually thought you were getting nicer," I sassed as I looked at her.

"Don't get your hopes up," she stood and started walking around the bus, looking all around. So did I. I saw the word 'Boy' in graffiti on the ceiling.

"Boy?" The dog sat up. I guess that's his name. "Your names Boy," I said.

"I'm Joel. That's Y/n," I pointed to her. She was looking at a piece of paper I assumed she found on the floor. "Nice to meet you,"

"Yeah, thanks for saving my life, Boy," Y/n turned to Boy.

I turned to my head and saw a red bit of fabric. "Is this a dress?" I asked Boy.

"No, Joel, it's a pancake," she furrowed her eyebrows.

Boy defensively ran to me and snatched the dress from my hands. "Oh, sorry. I won't touch it again,"

"It was probably his owners," Y/n told me. "Did you think I was her?" She asked Boy, kneeling down. Boy just looked at her. But we both understood the answer.

"I think I'm gonna lie down," I told Y/n.

I took off my backpack and Boy raised his head on alert. "It's okay. It's just my bag. Are you gonna rest?" I asked Y/n.

"In a little. Someone has to keep watch, right?" She said. She didn't sound as confident as she normally did though.


I lower my head down on the pillow.

"You know, I had a girl too once. I think you would've really liked her. You guys would totally get along. She loves dogs, I mean, all animals. She's a big animal lover." I started tearing up, talking about Aimee as I spoke to Boy. "I haven't seen her in seven years, that's why I'm going to find her. I haven't told anyone about this but I'm kinda nervous about it." I hope Y/n, didn't hear me say that. Boy came over and lied next to me. "Goodnight, Boy. Goodnight, Y/n."

"Night, Joel." She said.

[Y/n's POV]

Joel had told Boy all about Aimee. And had later fallen asleep. I was lying awake with Boy.

"You know I had a lover too. Tom, was his name." I said. "He always knew how to make me laugh." I chuckled. I really miss him.

I miss the way his curly brown hair dangled over his eyes.

Or how his eyes looked like melted chocolate in the sun.

Even his British accent that I always mocked.

[Joel's POV]

I don't think Y/n knew I was awake. I heard her talk about a person she had loved a long time ago. I think his name was Tom.

But that's not what confused me. My stomach felt weird at her statement. It was the way I felt when Aimee talked to another guy. Could it be jealousy? Sadness? Betrayal? No, there is no way.

Eventually, morning cane and light began seeking through the bus' windows. I started drawing a picture of Boy and Y/n fighting off the frog.

"Weakness: dogs and...badass girls," I muttered.

"You wouldn't happen to have a power source radio in here, would you?" I asked Boy.

"He's a dog, Joel," Y/n said, going back to her sarcastic self.

"Never mind,"

Y/n walked over to the door out of the bus, but not before petting Boy goodbye.

I stood up and put my backpack on. I was about to leave but I saw a silver tube sitting on the table by Boy's bed. I opened it.

"Huh, lipstick. Aimee," I thought out loud. "Unless you want it?" I turned around to Y/n.

"I wouldn't be caught dead," Y/n chuckled. Y/n had never liked makeup like most girls I had known...which wasn't very many. But still.

"Right. Hey, Boy, would you mind if I kept this? Thanks." I put the lipstick in my pocket.

"C'mon, Joel." Y/n walked outside.

"Alright, well thanks for having me, I should... stop talking to a dog," I said bye to Boy. He tilted his head to the side and gave a me a weird look. "Okay, I'll see ya!" I waved and walked out to Y/n.

"Took you long enough," Y/n smirked.

"I was being polite," I told her.

"To a dog?" She scoffed. We started walking but I stopped when I heard a door open behind me. I saw Boy stick his head out the door and bark.

"Woah, hey, hey, hey." Y/n held her hand up for Boy to stop, but he didn't listen. "Can you tell your dog to shut up!?" She whispered to me.

"Boy! Hey! Shhhh, something might hear you," I whisper-shouted.

Boy came walking over to me.

"You want to come with us?" I asked.

"Oh my, God," Y/n silently huffed and rolled her eyes.

Boy sits down as if he was saying yes.

"Okay, you can come. Let's go, come on!"

I expected Boy to follow us but he ran back inside. Y/n and I shared a confused look.

Seconds later, he came outside with the red dress.

"Yeah, we can bring that, Y/n can you take it." I smiled at her.

"Yeah, I'll take it. Because now I'm the chauffeur," she huffed. She grabbed the dress from Dog and put it her backpack. And off we went!

Tough and Weak 𖣘 Joel Dawson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now