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Three days passed since the dinner and big news and, as expected, Zhang Wan allowed doctors to check him and it was confirmed that he couldn't have biological kids, meaning concubine Jong was sentenced to death by hanging today in the evening.

The execution took place in front of the Palace's gates for everyone to gather and see. Mu Jong was staying on a platform crying and begging for mercy as a man pulled her by the arm in front of the rope placing it around her neck and leaving the platform to pull the lever and open the trap door that was on the floor of the platform, under the shaking woman when the Emperor signals to. Xu Yang, as well as the Emperor, Empress Dowager and the concubines were watching from their seats. Looking at Mu Jong's miserably state, Xu Yang was reminded of her past life and how she was executed by cutting her head on a platform just like this one.
Zhang Wan looked at Xu Yang and how she looked somehow sad and remembered their talk a few days ago.

❝Did you remembered something upsetting?❞ he whispered in her ear.

Xu Yang was startled by his voice so close in her ear.

❝Yes.❞ Xu Yang replied not looking at him.

❝I'm sorry, you should have stayed in your chambers instead of being here.❞

❝After this I hope you can spare me some minutes, we have things to talk about.❞Xu Yang finally turned her head and looked at him.

❝Yes, of course.❞ Zhang Wan replied smiling.

After an eunuch told the crown what Mu Jong's crime was, The Emperor signaled for her execution to he done and that is how Mu Jong was hanged in front of a crowd.

The royal family went back in the Palace, each to their business while Xu Yang followed Zhang Wan to his study room so they could talk.

❝What did you wanted to talk about, Empress?❞

❝I'm done here so I'm asking you again to divorce me.❞

Zhang Wan's face darkened. He really hoped she changed her mind by now, but it seems his hopes were just in vain.

❝I told you to drop that, Yang'er.❞ he said calm and tried to smile at her.

❝Why you must make me suffer everytime, Emperor? Is this funny to you? To keep me caged here after I told you I don't want to be near you?❞

❝It's not! Can't you consider my feelings?! You're making reckless decisions without thinking a second about me, Empress!❞
Xu Yang scoffed, stood up from her chair and slammed her hands on the table.

❝Your feelings?! What about mine, huh? When did you considered my feelings? You left me alone to suffer and killed me and even in this life you won't leave me alone. ❞

❝I did not repeated the same mistake, the one who caused your death in dead now and I apologized! You can't hold the past life against me forever, Xu Yang. In this life none of that happened, you aren't dead and I love you. Why can't you just accept it?❞

❝Accept it? You would accept this if you were in my place? I hate you and yet you force your love on me, I can't even believe it, while I was a stupid love-struck girl you didn't spared me a second glance, but now that I despise you, you won't leave me alone! ❞

❝I won't divorce you and that's final! You're going to change your mind sooner or later, you loved me once and you can do it again and we will be happy. I'll divorce the others concubines and you'll be my only wife as I would be your husband. Please go back to your chambers and don't leave until I tell you so.❞

Xu Yang clenched her fists and bit her bottom lip trying to hold tears of anger.

❝You're disgusting!❞ she said before leaving angry.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now